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Listings in Ages near Santa Rosa

Showing 10 of 150 results
725 College Avenue, Suite 3, Santa Rosa, California 95404, United States
0.37 mi from Santa Rosa
Dr. Jill Zechowy is a family physician with an additional master's degree in Counseling Psychology. She specializes in Women's Mental Health, particularly working with women in transition to motherhood and those with perinatal depression & anxiety.
3285 Claremont Way , California 94558, United States
29.60 mi from Santa Rosa
I have been working as a psychologist for Kaiser Permanente since 2006. I have varied experience with a specialty in peripartum mood disorders, anxiety, depression, substance abuse and eating disorders.
1011 Professional Drive, Napa, California 94558, United States
30.21 mi from Santa Rosa
I love working with individuals and couples with young children! I work with clients via telehealth and am able to see all CA residents. To book a free 20-minute phone consultation, visit: calendly.com/drmayaweir
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We want you to know you are not alone and you are not to blame. Help is available. You will get better.

PSI Helpline: call or text 1.800.944.4773

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