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Did you know? 1 in 7 women suffer from postpartum depression.

We provide direct peer support to families, train professionals, and provide a bridge to connect them.

Click here to take a 10-question self-rating scale to find out if you have postpartum symptoms


Search "ONLINE SERVICES AVAILABLE" in the keyword box on the left to find providers who can work with you via phone or video-sessions.

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Search "ONLINE SERVICES AVAILABLE" in the keyword box on the left to find providers who can work with you via phone or video-sessions.

Disclaimer: The care providers on this registry have demonstrated a special interest in treating and serving families and women experiencing perinatal mental health issues. Postpartum Support International does not recommend any specific provider. Information is posted as a courtesy to assist persons seeking help. While we do our best to keep this information updated, there may have been changes since this information was posted. Always contact the providers to verify all information before making appointments or using services to avoid unexpected fees and ensure that you receive interventions appropriate for your needs.

We want you to know you are not alone and you are not to blame. Help is available. You will get better.

24-Hr Helpline: call 1.800.944.4773 or text 503.894.9453

Help For Moms

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