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PSI Helpline:

#1 En Espanol or #2 English

English: 503-894-9453
Español: 971-420-0294

*The PSI HelpLine does not handle emergencies. People in crisis should call their local emergency number or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Mind the GapPostpartum Support International releases the Mind the Gap National Report. This seminal report elevates and provides insights and a plan of action to address a major public health crisis: unaddressed and untreated Perinatal Mental Health disorders.

Did you know? 1 in 7 Moms and 1 in 10 Dads suffer from postpartum depression

We provide direct peer support to families, train professionals, and provide a bridge to connect them.

Help for Moms Resources for Dads

Join the world’s largest event raising awareness and funds for the mental health of new families. #homemadeclimb #climb2020

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PSI Conference 2020
Register today! July 8-12, 2020

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daddy baby bluesAbout Perinatal Mental Health

Essential info about perinatal mood & anxiety disorders, including risk factors, symptoms & treatments.

Climb Out of the DarknessJoin Us

We provide direct peer support to families, train professionals, and are a bridge between the two. Find out more about PSI and join with us.

baby and momFor Professionals

Trainings, provided by PSI perinatal psychiatry experts, are designed to equip frontline providers with the skills necessary to assess, treat and care for patients with perinatal mental health complications.

You are not alone.
You are not to blame.
With help, you will be well.