Michelle Grady

Michelle Grady
Project Director
Oceans and Western Australia
The Pew Charitable Trusts


Michelle Grady works to conserve Australia’s critical natural landscapes and marine habitats. Her work includes collaborating with conservation, science, and community partners to safeguard unique marine life and ecosystems in Australia.

Before joining Pew, Grady focused on conservation advocacy, organisational and campaign management, and providing policy advice to the government. She specialized in securing protection for large intact areas of land and sea, including the internationally significant wetlands in South Australia and the world’s largest network of marine parks and sanctuaries around Australia. She also headed the Conservation Council of South Australia, leading multilateral campaigns on climate change, native vegetation protection, marine conservation, planning law reform, biodiversity conservation, and protected areas.

Grady holds a bachelor’s degree in English literature, Australian history, and politics from Adelaide University and a graduate diploma in business administration from the University of South Australia.

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