The 2020 International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER 2020) will be held in La Valletta, Malta. The original dates of November 9–12, 2020 have been postponed to March 22–25, 2021 due to travel restrictions after the CoVid-19 pandemic. ISER is a single-track symposium focusing on presentations of the latest experimental research in robotics. 



Important dates

Mar 1 Call for Papers
Jun 15 Call for Sponsors
Jul 10 Submission of Extended Abstracts
Jul 10 Submission of Multimedia Attachments
Sep 14 Notification of Acceptance and Instructions for Authors
Nov 16 Registration Open and Hotel Reservation Link
Nov 30 Submission of Final Papers
Dec 14 Students Travel Awards
Jan 4 Registration and Hotel Reservation
Feb 15 Symposium Program Online
Mar 1 Proceedings Published as SPAR Volume 
Mar 22 ISER 2020