
VoteFair  ranking

Voting ID:


Create your own survey or poll and use VoteFair Ranking to fully rank all the choices!
Not only does VoteFair Ranking correctly identify the most popular choice, but it also identifies the second-most popular, third-most popular, and so on down to the least popular.

VoteFair ranking for surveys, polls, and elections

It's free! It's anonymous. Try it!

SSL certification is not included in this free service, but you can code confidential survey choices using nicknames that only participants will recognize.



Open-source VoteFair Ranking software now available in C++ language under MIT license



Instant Pairwise Elimination (IPE) is simple, yet better than IRV

This new vote-counting method gives much better results than “instant-runoff voting” (IRV), and it's almost as easy to understand.  Here is its description:

“Voters rank the candidates using up to 7 ranking levels (or 5 ranking levels if ovals are marked on a paper ballot and space is limited).  During counting, each elimination round eliminates the candidate who loses every pairwise contest against every other remaining candidate.  If an elimination round has no pairwise-losing candidate then, for that round, each ballot gives one count to the lowest-ranked remaining candidate on that ballot, and the candidate with the highest such count is eliminated.  The last remaining candidate wins.”

Read more about Instant Pairwise Elimination (IPE)

And there is a “proportional” variation of this method called Representative Instant Pairwise Elimination (RIPE).  We're overdue for RIPE elections!



Wild Election Results Brought To You By Single-Mark Ballots

Cartoon, wild 2016 U.S. Presidential election results caused by single-mark ballots

Secret revealed! The humorous yet insightful story of how we ended up with Trump & Clinton.

Read it now ...



Ending The Hidden Unfairness In U.S. Elections

The ebook version is now available for the
Amazon Kindle and the Barnes & Noble Nook,
and it's on Kobo Books and iTunes and more.



Declaration of Election-Method Reform Advocates

U.S. Constitution
Please read and “sign” the Declaration of Election-Method Reform Advocates!  This document, which has been signed by election-method experts from around the world, clearly explains the unfairness of the election methods that are used in Democracies around the world.



Tax the takers more than the makers

If elections were fair — which they aren't because governmental elections use single-mark ballots — what would change?  One change would be to make taxes fairer, simplify the tax code, and eliminate tax loopholes.  A proposal that would implement such changes by increasing taxes for “taker” businesses and reducing taxes for “maker” businesses is presented as the Tax The Takers More Than Makers Taxation Reform.  Please express support for it there.  (Or read the original, longer version here.)



What are the “99%” and “Occupy Wall Street” movements overlooking?

The “Occupy Wall Street” and “99%” movements realize that money has excessive influence in politics, but they have not yet realized that the 1% easily outvotes the 99% because elections use single-mark ballots, and that this unfairness allows the 1% to take advantage of vote splitting that happens — either unintentionally or planned — in primary elections.  The unfairness is hidden because single-mark ballots do not collect enough information to reveal which candidate is really the most popular, and because the winner of every primary election is always from the correct political party.

The way to solve this unfairness is to ban single-mark ballots from Congressional elections!



What's wrong with current voting methods?

We currently use primitive voting methods!  In particular, most elections and contests fail to ask voters to indicate a second choice, third choice, and so on when there are more than two choices.

1-2-3 ballot

A fully fair voting method needs to ask: "In addition to your first choice, who is your second choice, third choice, and so on?"   These secondary preferences can be collected on paper or on a website using 1-2-3 ballots like the one shown here — and the intelligent ballots on this website.

After you collect full preference information, how should it be used?

Order-Of-Preference results

The preference information needs to be analyzed so that every preference of every voter is taken into account!   Only VoteFair ranking does this.


For more information about VoteFair ranking, explore the other web pages listed in the navigation outline (in the upper right).


Ending The Hidden Unfairness In U.S. Elections The Creative Problem Solver's Toolbox VoteFair ranking was invented by Richard Fobes who is the author of The Creative Problem Solver's Toolbox and Ending The Hidden Unfairness In U.S. Elections.   Sales of these classic and groundbreaking books help to make VoteFair ranking available for free at this website.


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or use the Testimonials page

© Copyright 2004 through 2019, Richard Fobes at

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