How can we help more entrepreneurs raise the right impact investment capital?

CASE Smart Impact CapitalAnnouncing special discounts for all users of CASE Smart Impact Capital through 8-15-2019

Since our public launch in 2017, we’ve had a lot of traction with CASE Smart Impact Capital. Our online toolkit has helped thousands of entrepreneurs around the world learn how to raise the right kind of impact investing capital at the right time, with 94% user satisfaction.

But recently we asked ourselves: how can we make sure we’re providing a truly global solution to helping entrepreneurs raise the right impact investment capital for their ventures?

The #1 piece of feedback we’ve received from entrepreneur support programs in developing markets is: your price doesn’t quite work for us; even with bulk discounts of $100 per license, our budgets won’t allow us to provide access to all of the entrepreneurs in our networks. Many of our partners are thus selecting small numbers of entrepreneurs with whom to share the tools.

Honestly, this is the opposite of the impact we’ve hoped to have. We’re not leveling the playing field if large groups of entrepreneurs can’t access the information they need to get to the right deal for them.

Two years later, we’ve lowered our operating costs significantly and we’ve raised some funding from the incredible impact investing team at the MacArthur Foundation to explore other ways to leverage our work to meet the capital raising needs of impact entrepreneurs. That exploratory work will continue over the next year. In the meantime:

CASE Smart Impact Capital is now proud to offer significantly discounted volume pricing for groups in developing market countries. A developing market license to our toolkit when purchased in a bundle now costs from $95 to as low as $8 per user! This special trial pricing will last now through August 15th, 2019.Discount pricing for developing and developed markets. Developing Markets, 4-24 users pay $95 per user, 25-49 users pay $75 per user, 50-99 users pay $35 per user, 100-499 users pay $20 per user, 500 plus users pay $8 per user. For developed markets 4-24 users pay $120 per user, 25-49 user pay $100 per user,, 50-99 user pay $70 per user, 100-499 users pay $50 per user, 500 plus pay $20 per user. *Volume pricing for developing and developed markets, as defined by the World Band.

We hope our new, lower pricing will help democratize our crucial, crowdsourced, and highly-rated three-step process to raising impact investment capital: Strategize, Target, and Close.

But we don’t want to leave groups in the developed market out of this special pricing period.  So we have adjusted our model to offer developed markets special volume discounts as well, with prices from $120 to as low as $20 per user. These are the best deals we have ever offered, so now is a great opportunity to sign your full group up to access the toolkit.

If you’re serving entrepreneurs in any market, we hope you’ll join the 50+ accelerators, universities, networks, and events using CASE Smart Impact Capital to level the playing field for their entrepreneurs when it comes to raising capital.  Click here to sign up for group access.

Here’s what some of our partners are saying:

“I personally recommend signing up for CASE’s Smart Impact Capital to get impact investment ready. We like this resource so much, we’re including it in a new online platform we’re developing for African entrepreneurs. And the new developing market prices – down from $350 for an individual license to as low as $8 per license for a large group is simply an incredible value. If you are working with entrepreneurs, you need to get them access to this resource. There is nothing else even close to it in the marketplace today.” – Aunnie Patton Power, Founder, Intelligent Impact and Advisor, Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship at University of Cape Town, Cape Town.

“As a mentor, I feel the Smart Impact Capital content is a goldmine. The quality of the content as well as the relevance of the tools for fundraising is impressive and spot on!” – Abdullah Saqib, Country Manager for Bangladesh and Pakistan, Viamo, and mentor to MIT D Lab entrepreneurs, Islamabad.

To learn more about the toolkit, watch our sample training videos below:

This is a time limited offer, so if you’ve been considering purchasing licenses, please don’t miss this chance! The more licenses you reserve, the more you save.

Email with the number of licenses you want and we promise to get you and your entrepreneurs online quickly.  

And, if you’re an entrepreneur who is interested in purchasing one license for yourself, use discount code 150SPECIAL to get an individual license for the extremely low price of $150! (That’s $200 off our normal price of $350!)

We always welcome your feedback so that we can continue to improve – so keep the ideas coming!