Healthcare Digital Transformation

Healthcare CIOs leverage digital technology to support innovative industry models.

Disruption puts pressure on healthcare providers: Only the fittest thrive

Healthcare providers are experiencing unprecedented levels of disruption. Sixty-three percent of healthcare providers have faced severe disruptions due to reasons including internal organizational changes, cost pressure, regulation and compliance, funding or shifting consumer demands. With all the changes in the healthcare industry, only fit organizations thrive — and fragile organizations get left behind.

Disruptions looming, are healthcare organizations prepared? 41% reported that they are fragile, while 22% reported that they are fit.

Gartner helped guide us around our strategic planning, our future planning, enhancing our governance models to ensure that we’re firstly client-focused, but also outcome-focused and contemporary, moving away from the traditional ICT Governance Model.

Michael Draheim

Chief Information Officer, Metro South Health

CIOs and IT leaders should adopt a “digital-health-first” mindset

The best healthcare companies are responding to disruption with digital and innovation initiatives that enable new business models, address the challenges of increasing demand and escalating costs. Gartner research, insights and tools enable CIOs to successfully lead their healthcare organizations’ digital transformation initiatives to maximum impact.

Unlock success in digital health transformation

Use this research as your guide to the market and technology changes that have the potential for high impact for the healthcare industry, and to supports you in developing a strategy that fits the context of changing industry and business priorities.

Adopt healthy cost optimization practices

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the revenue and business operations of healthcare and Life science organizations. In this webinar, Gartner healthcare and life science experts share insights into cost implications on the industry and key takeaways for CIOs and IT Leaders for rapid digital acceleration.

Prepare for the changes in the healthcare industry

The volatility brought in by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is challenging the current operating and business models in the healthcare industry. With effective preparation and response plans, healthcare CIOs and digital health leaders can use this as an opportunity to drive meaningful change.

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Client Success Story

Enable new healthcare models and improve outcomes

Read the story of how Gartner helped Western Health, a community-based health services provider, expand its digital footprint, and develop an effective plan for EMR journey to provide better health outcomes.

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