
  • National Report Card
  • Regional Report Card
  • Impact on Public Ed

    Impact on Public Education

    Our vision at KIPP is that all children will receive a world-class education that prepares them for a life full of choice and opportunity. We’re committed to helping prove what’s possible for public school students across the country.

    K-12 and Higher Ed Collaboration

    KIPP has partnered with 98 colleges to identify strategies that can be implemented by K-12 schools and higher education institutions to increase the college graduation rates of first-generation students and students of color. Our partnerships include efforts to encourage a wider range of high school applicants, support for tuition financing, and a commitment to not let students slip through cracks during college to ensure that they persist to graduation.

    Read the key themes that emerged from our 2016 College Presidents Convening.

    Advocating for a Quality Education for Everyone

    KIPP believes that one way to ensure more students have access to a great education is by advocating for policies that support excellent schools. We see policy as one way to ensure a great K-12 education for students, as well as to increase both access to and persistence through higher education.

    We believe one of the most important ways for alumni, teachers, staff, and families to be heard on the issues that matter most in our communities is through voting. At the KIPP School Summit, in July 2016, we kicked off a KIPP-wide voter registration drive. Since then, KIPP regions have hosted local voter registration drives for their families and staff.

    Alumni Shaping our Future

    Equipped with a great education, our alumni are becoming leaders in the quest for equity, equality, and social justice in this country. Thousands of KIPP alumni are thriving in college and the workforce, ready to show the world what they’re capable of accomplishing in order to build a better tomorrow.

    Alumni Leadership Accelerator

    The KIPP Alumni Leadership Accelerator is a career development fellowship for KIPP alumni who have demonstrated extraordinary achievement, drive, ambition, and leadership in their workplaces and communities. The aim is to support KIPP alumni in attaining positions at the highest levels of leadership, decision-making, and influence so they can have an impact on making the world a better place. Selected participants receive a year of professional coaching, mentorship, and a peer-network so they can support each other.

    Meet Our Leadership Fellows

    Federal Policy Internship Program

    Internships remain one of the most powerful opportunities to apply knowledge gained in the classroom to real-world experiences. KIPP does outreach to help KIPPsters earn internships in Washington, DC in both houses of the United States Congress, the White House and DC-based policy organizations. Through these experiences, KIPP students gain invaluable first-hand knowledge of the inner-workings of our nation’s government and gain contacts that will help them throughout their careers.

    This section of the page contains a carousel that visually displays 1 testimonial slide at a time. For screen reader users, these slides appear in a list below. The next and previous buttons only affect how these slides are shown visually, but do not affect what screen readers read, since all the slides are always shown to these users.

    • If you want to make change happen, you need to have a voice. You need to have a seat at the table. Donnell Bailey, KIPP New Orleans Alumnus and Former Federal Policy Intern

      If you want to make change happen, you need to have a voice. You need to have a seat at the table.

      Donnell Bailey, KIPP New Orleans Alumnus and Former Federal Policy Intern

    K-12 Collaboration

    There are key elements to our model, including curricula, methods, and tools we’ve developed that can be adapted in other schools for the benefit of more students. As we grow, KIPP continues to seek opportunities to facilitate the exchange of ideas with other public school educators, so that we can all help students achieve at the highest levels.

    Literacy Curriculum

    Through a pilot made possible by the Charter School Growth Fund, we are partnering with six charter management organizations to implement our college-prep literacy curriculum, KIPP Wheatley. Through this collaboration over the next year, the following schools will share insights and knowledge to learn from each other:
    • Achievement Prep (DC)
    • Aspire Public Schools (Memphis)
    • Freedom Preparatory Academy (Memphis)
    • LEARN Charter Schools (Chicago)
    • The Preparatory Schools (Cleveland)
    • University Preparatory Academies (Palm Beach)

    District-Charter Collaboration

    Spring Branch Independent School District, YES Prep, and KIPP Houston partner to provide more high-quality school choices for students in the Spring Branch area, and to accelerate and support the culture of post-secondary success within Spring Branch. Helena-West Helena School District, Lee County School District, and KIPP Delta have partnered to offer KIPP Through College services to the families of hundreds of juniors and seniors at Central High School and Lee High School. Many examples of charter-district collaboration exist across the KIPP network.

    Principal Selection and Development

    KIPP offers development and hands-on training to administrators interested in learning about our principal development model. The KIPP Leadership Design Fellowship (KLDF) creates a unique space for participants to collaborate and share ideas before, during, and after the 8-month program. Leaders from 80+ organizations educating over 11 million children have participated in the program to-date.

    Learn More

    Most Requested Resources

    The Beyond KIPP Resource Library hosts KIPP’s most frequently used and requested tools in one place. At Beyond KIPP, anyone can access information and resources from four of KIPP’s key focus areas: Teaching & Learning, Leadership Development, College, and Character.

    Explore Resources

    This section of the page contains a carousel that visually displays 1 testimonial slide at a time. For screen reader users, these slides appear in a list below. The next and previous buttons only affect how these slides are shown visually, but do not affect what screen readers read, since all the slides are always shown to these users.

    • It's about working hard, being strategic, and being passionate about what we do: getting our kids to and through college and being focused about that. Sehba Ali, Superintendent, KIPP Houston Public Schools

      It's about working hard, being strategic, and being passionate about what we do: getting our kids to and through college and being focused about that.

      Sehba Ali, Superintendent, KIPP Houston Public Schools

    Support the KIPP Foundation

    By supporting the KIPP Foundation, individuals and organizations are making a difference in the lives of more than 100,000 children across the country, and creating a national impact on public education.

  • Independent Reports