Doing Good Great

This is the story of how Geneva Global and its CEO, Doug Balfour, have determined the critical keys to performance philanthropy, helping donors bring head and heart together into Doing Good Great.

Doing Good Great

About the Book

Drawing on more than twenty-five years of firsthand experience working with those in need as well as his business background, Doug has helped shape how philanthropy can be more impactful.

Doing Good Great: An Insider’s Guide to Getting the Most out of Your Philanthropic Journey begins with stories of Doug’s personal journey toward philanthropy and then explains—through more stories and examples—eight essential pillars that form the basis of purposeful, effective philanthropy.

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Newly released in 2017 with an all-new introduction and afterword!

The abridged digital version of Doug’s book includes engaging photos of his on-the-ground experiences, helpful artistic illustrations, and enlightening marginal notes that outline Doug’s systems-change approach to philanthropy.

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Newly released in 2017 with an all-new introduction and afterword!

The abridged digital version of Doug’s book includes engaging photos of his on-the-ground experiences, helpful artistic illustrations, and enlightening marginal notes that outline Doug’s systems-change approach to philanthropy.

Doug Balfour Video Thumbnail

In His Own Words

With an insider's knowledge of the complexity of international development, and a proven understanding of successful business, Doug has been uniquely positioned to help bring the two worlds together to achieve more.

In this video, Doug explains why he wrote Doing Good Great and what readers can expect.

The 8 Pillars of Performance Philanthropy

Investment Thinking

Investment Thinking

We need to be more businesslike in our approach to doing good, bringing head and heart together. Why be satisfied with less return for what you give to a charity than you would in giving the same amount to a broker?

Methodical Measuring

Methodical Measuring

If you don’t count and evaluate what you are doing, you can never know how effective you are or how much more you could achieve. You need to ask hard questions of the people who want to use your money.

Successful Failing

Successful Failing

The world is only getting more complex, and we can’t solve today’s problems with yesterday’s answers. That requires innovation and creativity, the willingness to try new things, and the ability to learn from mistakes and adapt.

Local Implementing

Local Implementing

With a few exceptions, most effective development work is done by organizations that are rooted and established in the communities they are serving—more so than by even the most willing outsiders.

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

A lot of development work is based on “silo” thinking: looking at situations in single-issue terms. But so many issues are complex, interwoven, and need to be approached from multiple angles to achieve a real tipping point for positive change.

Deliberate Multiplying

Deliberate Multiplying

Help for today is vital, but what can be done to ensure the same problem doesn’t pop up again tomorrow or next door? We must look for ways to further leverage all that we are doing.

Active Collaboration

Active Collaborating

The combined total can be greater than the sum of the individual parts. By deliberately bringing implementers and donors together in partnership ventures, it is possible to set and achieve bigger goals.

Forward Looking

Forward Looking

As much as we have developed some firm convictions about how to do good better, we recognize that it is important to remain open to change as cultural and technological shifts impact the world, its needs, and the possible solutions.