Partner with us to strengthen our community by supporting local parents, caregivers and child care providers!

Travis Credit Union Foundation will match your donation up to $20,000!

Travis Credit Union Foundation has pledged $20,000 in matching funds when you donate to Community Resources for Children through their foundation. Help us receive the full $20,000 donation by donating today!  We are relying on your contribution today. If you wish to be publicly acknowledged, your name will be proudly displayed on our special Emergency Relief Fund page and you will get regular updates about the impact that your donation is having.

Until September 30, 2020 you can DOUBLE your impact while ensuring that your donation stays in your community!  Please fill in the following so that we know if we may contact you and whether you would like to remain anonymous or not. When you click Submit you will be taken to the Travis Credit Union Foundation website. When you designate Community Resources for Children, your donation will be matched dollar for dollar! Thank you for your generosity!

About the Emergency Relief Fund

Thanks to the generous support of donors last year, Community Resources for Children was able to enter the COVID-19 era in a position of strength.  We are proud of our swift action and leadership role in connecting families to child care, but COVID-19 has been particularly destructive to our child care system.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our community is facing a child care crisis at every socio-economic and demographic level.  Napa County relies on a mix of preschools, daycare centers, family child care providers and family, friend and neighbor child care to take care of and nurture our County’s 9,000 children ages 0-5.  The higher costs of running a child care business due to cleaning and sanitation and social distancing requirements are turning the child care and early learning sector upside down.

We need immediate action to keep their doors open, so we can rebuild Napa’s economy and ensure the healthy growth and development of our young children. As businesses open back up, parents may struggle to return to work unless there are open child care providers who can serve our community’s families.  We also need affordable child care for families returning to work.  

CRC estimates that, without intervention, 300-400 children will not have access to child care starting in September as social distancing requirements will reduce the number of slots available at publicly funded preschools and day care centers.

Your donation will support a whole system wrap-around approach; 1) support for child care providers so that they can remain open and 2) assistance for families in need of child care. By continuing to connect families with child care, we will mitigate further losses in our child care sector and support families who rely on care in order to go back to work.

Strengthening Parents, Caregivers & Child Care Providers

Working parents and especially essential workers are facing an extraordinary time right now.  As an essential worker, Sophia applied for and received financial assistance for child care from CRC:

A huge financial burden was taken off my shoulders knowing that I didn’t have to choose which bills to pay and I didn’t have to compromise when it came to her care.  Thanks to CRC, we were able to keep her with the same child care provider with staff that we trust to take care of her during this scary time.

Both my husband and I are essential workers and were furloughed for a while and lost income.  My husband is not able to take any time off and I worry about getting sick .The help we received from CRC gives us peace of mind that even if we get sick we will be able to pay our bills.

Sophia Johnson, mother of 14 month-old daughter

Parents and caregivers are feeling anxious, isolated and exhausted every day.  With your support we will provide individualized assistance to parents and caregivers that meet their unique needs.  Together we can become the lifeline that they need right now.

Caregivers and families are terrified and desperate, but we are here to help them. By supporting us you are supporting them and giving them a lifeline during these uncertain times. THANK YOU!

Press Releases:

June 9, 2020: CRC Launches Emergency Relief Fund for Family Child Care Providers

April 28, 2020: CRC Launches Emergency Child Care Program

Our Impact


Child care providers and centers supported to remain open.


Children of essential workers cared for by a child care provider.


in emergency relief provided so far.


masks distributed to child care providers,


phone calls to child care providers to share resources.

Sponsors and Donors

Project She Cares

She Cares is a project by Community Resources for Children that features women in child care who nurture and care for children in our community and highlights the important role that child care plays in the early education of our children while allowing parents to remain in the workforce. The goal of the project is to celebrate and empower women child care providers and to raise awareness about the important work that they do.

CRC provides 1:1 coaching, training, workshops, playgroups and support groups for all types of child care providers. Topics covered in workshops include how to support the emotional needs of young children, building school readiness skills, how to set up environments that are developmentally appropriate and much more!  Child care providers rely on CRC for professional development and to get answers to specific questions such as challenging behaviors, developmental delays, and strategies on how to work with children of multiple ages.

2019 Production Team 
Photography: Sakhon Nhek Photography
Poster Design: Julia Allen of Folia Design
Make-up: Monica Fernandez with Napa Valley Makeup
Hairstylist: Teresa Garcia
Project Coordinator: Jacqueline Saldaña-Pimentel

A special thank you to the participating child care providers and to the Board of Directors and Staff of Community Resources for Children

Portraits of Local Child Care Providers

Maricela Aguilar

Maricela Aguilar

Mary’s Family Child Care

She Cares about children’s safety and stability

“Many of the children who attend my child care come from homes troubled by domestic violence. At first, they are hesitant to get attached to me. Eventually, we develop special connections as they spend most of the day with me and learn that the environment at my child care is safe and one of compassion, love and encouragement.”

Gloria Orozco

Gloria Orozco

Orozco Family Childcare Home

She Cares about providing child care with an open heart and with open arms

“I wanted to become a teacher, but I never had the resources to do it, so I am proud to be a child care provider, which is different than a sitter, because in my child care, children benefit from having routines and I use a curriculum that prepares them for school and life.”

Julia Rodriguez

Julia Rodriguez

Rodriguez Family Childcare Home

She Cares for children with love and respect.

“Being a child care provider is in many ways like any other job, with rules and schedules. However, the difference is that you are shaping human beings. That is why I treat all the children like family.”

Erica Salinas

Erica Salinas

My Little World of Fun Daycare

She Cares that children feel safe, loved and cared for

¨Having a child care that provides love,care and a safe environment is extremely important to me as most of the children are with me for 9 hours each day. When children are absent, I miss seeing their faces, I miss their voices.”

Rachell Solis

Rachell Solis

Nahar Montessori

She Cares about supporting children’s individual emotional needs

“I decided to become a child care provider because I realized that I couldn’t change the world, but I could change my community.”

Lourdes Solorio

Lourdes Solorio

Lulu’s Family Daycare

She Cares about getting to know each child individually

“One of the biggest rewards is when the children I cared for come back to visit me as teenagers.”

Jacqueline Wisniewski

Jacqueline Wisniewski

Soaring Wings LLC

She Cares about raising happy and healthy children

“My hardships growing up taught me how important it is during the early years of life to provide continuity and consistency of care for children. This is what I try to bring to my community; continuity of care and love. It is a great privilege to serve the Napa Community.”
