
My whole family is trying to convince my Qanon mom to go to the hospital. I hate conspiracy theorists. You are killing people. by TropicalBiPolarBear in HermanCainAward

[–]gozu 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The world is so complicated we mostly don't understand it.

People are afraid of what they don't understand and the explanations made of lies and propaganda are easier to understand and more pleasant or flattering to the victim than the truth because they are designed that way, whereas the truth is an asshole who doesn't care about your feelings.

In other words, she was scammed. Same as people who pay scammers to talk to their dead loved ones. She had fears and needs and GOP, Fox, FB and associates preyed upon them to scam her out of her vote, money and health by feeding her more and more toxic lies.

It's disgusting.

My whole family is trying to convince my Qanon mom to go to the hospital. I hate conspiracy theorists. You are killing people. by TropicalBiPolarBear in HermanCainAward

[–]gozu 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Early treatment is essential. Each hour she dilly dallies and waffles, her outcome probability worsens.

My sincere sympathies. I would have someone fly to florida to go see her immediately and pull up all the stops.

More than 99.9% of studies agree: Humans caused climate change by sweetpapajohniw in science

[–]gozu 0 points1 point  (0 children)

"So you're telling me there is a chance we didn't cause it?"


"Opted out of the FSD beta today. I’m done. I’m done being upset, I’m over being swindled for thousands. I’m done recommending the brand, done with free PR. I’m going to share my experience with any potential buyer and warn them not to get screwed like I did." by SpaceDetective in RealTesla

[–]gozu 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I didn't pay $10k for FSD because it seemed too expensive for something that is not working yet.

I kinda feel like I am helping train the car AI and I should be paid instead because I can't relax with autopilot engaged. I have to be twice as vigilant because while I know what I will do in the next second, i don't know what the car will do.

Therefore I am not surprised people who sprung the 10k feel raw about it. You done goofed! Who believes someone who has constantly missed deadlines when he tells you it'll happen "in the near future".

This long hauler went from being a vocal anti-vaxxer wanting a fake vaccine card to urging his friends to get vaccinated. His posts show a 180 on Covid. by Sass-Pancakes in HermanCainAward

[–]gozu 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I appeciate the willingness to self-reflect and hope this canuck fella pulls through.

However! There are many north americans like him who voted for Trump once and will again.

I would like to see them a more thorough repudiation of the people who lied to him to begin with. An admission that he was a mark for conmen who don't give a shit about him. An admission that maybe his politics were born of base instincts and an apology to all the people who have been trying to help him while he was sabotaging them.

Only then will their survival be a good thing for humanity. Fascism is nothing to play with.

[Serious] What is a conspiracy theory you actually believe in? by Come-What-April in AskReddit

[–]gozu 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That rich people are conspiring daily to unethically enrich themselves further to the detriment of the poor, knowingly.

I believe they do not wish for an expensive, well-paid servant class where a cheaper one might do.

They also do not wish for the justice system to work equally for all. They want to have better odds thanks to expensive lawyers nobody else can afford.

They wish for their taxes to be cut even if doing so will kill or harm billions of poor people.

They have empathy only for other wealthy people like themselves, as they don't identify with the "embarrassing", unsophisticated riff raff.

This month marks 5 years since they started selling FSD and we are nowhere near what we paid for. We've gotten one feature for our money (stopping at green and red lights, and stop signs), and nothing else but hype and lies. It's time to refund those who want their money back, Elon. by Teslaticles in TeslaLounge

[–]gozu 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Actually, I was thinking about Level 4. I still don't understand the difference between Level 2 and Level 3, despite reading the visual chart:


Maybe they should quantify it in seconds not to die?

Level 0: 1 second

Level 1: 1 second

Level 2: 1 second

Level 3: 3 seconds ?

Level 4: 1 hour ? (until a cop knocks on your window and asks you to clear the emergency lane your car pulled over to)

Level 5: Infinity

This month marks 5 years since they started selling FSD and we are nowhere near what we paid for. We've gotten one feature for our money (stopping at green and red lights, and stop signs), and nothing else but hype and lies. It's time to refund those who want their money back, Elon. by Teslaticles in TeslaLounge

[–]gozu 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I am glad I didn't pay $10K for the promise of FSD. I'm surprised so many people gave Tesla $5-10k based on faith.

With that said, I hope everybody gets what they paid for eventually because I would love a LVL 3 autonomy car.

Apple Made More Profit From Games In 2019 Than Nintendo, Sony And Microsoft Combined by Accomplished-Tap3353 in technology

[–]gozu -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

A sad figure, given how little Apple leadership cares about games.

A lot of people are playing lower quality games and missing out on true gems that don't have gacha mechanics. (Yes I know about Fire Emblem mobile...don't like it)

What’s the easiest way to ruin your life in your opinion? by sdijcf in AskReddit

[–]gozu 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Easy solution, just join a cult with a charismatic leader that will motivate you to stop procrastinating or feeling doubt.

Small issue: all the money you make might end up going to the cult. But who knows? Tom Cruise pulled it off.

One week after receiving my amazing M3LR, here are my praises and wishlist. by gozu in TeslaLounge

[–]gozu[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah they should. The sound system in the car deserves the cleanest stream.

One week after receiving my amazing M3LR, here are my praises and wishlist. by gozu in TeslaLounge

[–]gozu[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I did not. I googled it now that you mentioned it and I only find retrofit buttons. Any links?

One week after receiving my amazing M3LR, here are my praises and wishlist. by gozu in TeslaLounge

[–]gozu[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I believe you but I simply can't understand why. It's almost too fast as it is. I'm not racing it at the track though.

One week after receiving my amazing M3LR, here are my praises and wishlist. by gozu in TeslaLounge

[–]gozu[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

True, the home link missing was surprising but at least it can be added later, though $350 is not cheap.

One week after receiving my amazing M3LR, here are my praises and wishlist. by gozu in TeslaLounge

[–]gozu[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Holy cow! Really? I had no idea! Lol. That's so cool! (pun intended)

One week after receiving my amazing M3LR, here are my praises and wishlist. by gozu in TeslaLounge

[–]gozu[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Oh great! Wait say whaaaat? The energy app will be gone completely? But why?

edit: let me guess. Because stats show people looking at it a lot when they don't need to? I guess I could do the math in my head.

I have a 353 miles LR which means 282 miles of daily range if I want to keep battery between 10 and 90%. This is assuming chill, efficient driving. Chop off 25% of that to make up for worst case scenario driving style + conditions. This leaves us with 211 solid miles.

So that means every 10% is at least 21 miles of range remaining. Probably closer to 25 miles with the last 9% extra battery for emergencies.

En que areas de Mexico crecen las tunas mas sabrosas? by gozu in mexico

[–]gozu[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

La culpa no la tuvo Google. El español no es mi lengua materna y todavía me equivoco con el uso de soy/estoy.

Tesla Wanted $22,500 to Replace a Battery. An Independent Repair Shop Fixed It for $5,000 by sammythepiper in technology

[–]gozu 5 points6 points  (0 children)

2 & 3) Yeah, using only super chargers is not practical. It's cumbersome if you don't have electrified parking spaces to charge overnight.

4) Battery prices have gone down 88% over the last decade. It's expected that, by the time you have to replace your battery in 8 years, battery price will likely be only 25% or so. So maybe 5k to replace your entire battery pack. Still a win compared to timing belts + transmission + misc repairs + fuel.

So yeah, bottom line they're expensive and are more convenient with electrified parking. Though there are 2 Teslas in my apt complex, without electric spots. They use a supermarket supercharger nearby and charge while they shop.