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Sandor_at_the_Zoo commented on
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86 points · 2 days ago

I think it actually works. Each drastic color shift signals an increase in the order of magnitude of each step going forward, so it allows fewer colors while still showing a wide range clearly.

The progression to dark tones before shifting to light for the next set makes precipitation hot spots stand out.

The final color really stands out from everything else to highlight how crazy the show falls in the Sierras have been.

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9 points · 2 days ago

They could use a consistent log scale and a single gradient color map and it wouldn't make the map look like there's discontinuities that aren't in the data. The jumps make it look like there's a huge difference 6in and 1ft then 8 and 10 ft but its nothing. It looks like there's some hugely important line running between roughly the lower and upper midwest. Maybe there actually is, but the binning obscures that rather than helps.

Sandor_at_the_Zoo commented on
Posted by
6 points · 3 days ago

How do you hide awards? I had some chucklefuck giving me the "facepalm award" (Seriously, why is that an "award?") After I blocked his ass for randomly messaging me and insisting I engage in a long discussion so he could defend Margaret Thatcher.

The internet is odd.

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2 points · 3 days ago

I don't think you can stop people giving you awards, but the following adblocker filter will make the awards not display on posts

(at least on old reddit)

12 points · 3 days ago

I actually did feel a bit sad after reading her post 'why its fun'. What a thing to get a bug up your ass about.

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35 points · 3 days ago

For the meme sub it seems like good fun, but if the main sub is trying to be a place people actually communicate basic ideas this is pretty clearly opposed to communication.

Actually it would be funny if they let continue as long as they get every etymology and script right. Then the first slipup they get banned.

Sandor_at_the_Zoo commented on
Posted by
5 points · 4 days ago · edited 3 days ago

I hope everybody has a nice day in here, also lemme know your personal single favorite anime and I’ll add it to my list !

(Edit: I’m the one upvoting everybody just to let you know that I really am writing all these down and by the end of the day I’ll probably have enough to watch for the next year or so XD <3 )

(Edit 2: Now 7 hours later we got quite the traction with comments coming in :o I’ll keep writing these down and I appreciate you all for sharing your personal favorites with me. Maybe should’ve made a post on this 🤣)

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3 points · 3 days ago

Revolutionary Girl Utena

Sandor_at_the_Zoo commented on
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70 points · 4 days ago

I'm just imagining the poor assistant who had to make sure every m&m was squarely placed with the 'm' sticking out.

Sandor_at_the_Zoo commented on
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7 points · 5 days ago

Aku no Hana continues to make me uncomfortable in the best way. I just finished [episode 8] and it goes for more than nine minutes at the start of the episode (including the OP) without any dialogue or any action happening. Just ambient music building as you watch two characters walk along hand in hand, forcing you to stew in the moment and reflect on what they just went through. I can see why it would put a lot of people off but it's the kind of atmosphere that feels nearly absent in the majority of anime and I just love it.

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3 points · 5 days ago

End of episode 7 into episode 8 might be my favorite catharsis ever. And its especially impressive since it isn't a big plot development with the hero finally defeating the bad guy or anything. Just purely character work and film language.

Sandor_at_the_Zoo commented on
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1 point · 8 days ago

I’m new to anime and manga so I was wondering whether to read the manga before or after watching the anime?

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1 point · 7 days ago

Animation and comics are pretty different mediums so it really depends on if you like one or the other or both. I like animation way more than comics so I'll only read manga if I really need more of a story or the manga has some unique style. Plenty of other people like manga more and only watch anime that get big or if something they really liked gets adapted.

Sandor_at_the_Zoo commented on
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Op6 points · 9 days ago

Despite high productivity, my steel mill is only hiring a single capitalist. Anyone know what's going on?

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11 points · 9 days ago

It looks like it somehow hired only the extremely high paid capitalist. So it produces almost no steel and has to pay a high wage to do so. The weekly balance is negative so the building doesn't want to hire any new lower paid workers. I guess the logic for that doesn't take into account different types of workers.

The real question is why the last capitalist doesn't get fired or hired somewhere else so it can reset the initial hiring bump.

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