Donate to Development Media International (DMI) | GiveWell

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Donate to Development Media International (DMI)

Donate to GiveWell for the support of DMI

Donate online

Using the button below, you can make a one-time or recurring donation to GiveWell. GiveWell collects no fees from donations to its recommended charities. Once we have reviewed and approved your request to grant a donation to DMI, 100% of your donation (after credit card fees) will be used to support DMI (more details on the grant approval process here).


If you have any trouble using the form linked above, we can also accept credit and debit card donations through PayPal.

Donate by mail

You can donate to GiveWell by sending a check made out to GiveWell to:

    182 Howard Street #208
    San Francisco, CA 94105

If you choose to send a check, please also complete our check donation form and send it in with your check donation (Microsoft Word version here).

Common questions

Why does GiveWell collect donations on behalf of its recommended charities? For two main reasons: (1) It allows us to track our own impact on donations and (2) it gives us a chance to ask you if you'd like to receive updates on GiveWell's research.

Does GiveWell charge fees on donations to its recommended charities? No, GiveWell collects no fees from donations to support its recommended charities. Once we have reviewed and approved your request to grant a donation to our recommended charities, 100% of your donation (after credit card fees) will be used to support the charity or charities of your choice (more details on the grant approval process here).

Will my donation be tax-deductible? GiveWell (a.k.a. The Clear Fund) is a federally-recognized tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. US donors are able to take tax deductions for donations to GiveWell to the extent permitted by US tax laws. In addition, GiveWell is able to make grants to our recommended charities. Please note that donations to GiveWell are irrevocable and donor requests to grant donations to our recommended charities are subject to our approval (more details on GiveWell's approval process here).

(More information on tax-deductibility of donations to our top charities)

Can I give directly to the charity instead? DMI does not currently offer individual donors a way to donate directly.

Other questions? Please don't hesitate to email us at

Donating as a gift for a friend or family member? Download, fill in and print our gift acknowledgement letter (DOC).