Blockchain Technology: What’s Ahead?

Be ready for the next phase of the blockchain revolution

Is there money to be made with blockchain technology?

Even though the initial hype surrounding blockchain, and the prolonged blockchain “winter” that followed, are beginning to settle, this is no time to rest on our laurels. IT leaders must prepare for the inevitable blockchain “spring” on the horizon, bringing with it core-enabling technologies and significant opportunities for digital business. 

By 2023, blockchain will support the global movement and tracking of $2 trillion of goods and services annually.
As an early adopter of blockchain, Gartner helped us on our journey of understanding the impact blockchain will have on us and our business.

Dan Chesterman

CIO, Australian Stock Exchange

Blockchain Technology is transforming business

Although the blockchain technology landscape can be confusing and is constantly changing, it is a technology that is almost certain to impact the business of most IT leaders in the next five years. Whether due to the adoption of blockchain by a competitor or the necessity to participate in a blockchain network, you can’t afford to ignore this powerful technology.

Graphic showing how The Gartner Blockchain Spectrum, which began with emergence in 2008, predicts maturity around 2025.

Insights you can use

Gartner has helped organizations such as the Australian Stock Exchange, the City of Austin and dozens more explore how blockchain can transform the way they create value. Whether streamlining multiparty processes, creating and trading new assets, or leveraging artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, blockchain enables entirely new business opportunities.

What Is Your Blockchain Strategy?

Gartner explains the disruptive potential of blockchain and how to remain competitive by creating a strategy that tests and deploys blockchain for business.

Understand the Blockchain Technology Spectrum

Blockchain technologies offer capabilities that range from incremental improvements to radical alterations to business models. Gartner helps IT leaders understand the models and frameworks along with research into technologies to help you make the right investments at the right time.

Pay Attention to the 4 Types of Blockchain Initiatives

Blockchain’s promise is real, but most investment firms are uncertain how to extract business value from it. Gartner helps CIOs to evaluate four types of blockchain business initiatives and identify those that align most closely with their firms’ strategic objectives.

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How Organizations Are Utilizing Blockchain Today

Avivah Litan, Gartner Distinguished VP Analyst, provides insights and examples of how Gartner clients are utilizing blockchain technology today.

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