UCL Pond Restoration


The UCL Pond Restoration Research Group uses scientific research to underpin practical pond network conservation especially in lowland agricultural landscapes.

London, England
Дата регистрации: сентябрь 2015 г.


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  1. Закрепленный твит
    25 июн. 2018 г.
  2. ретвитнул(а)
    25 сент.

    How do you with no water?! ⁦⁩ The source of the Thames is bone dry!

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  3. ретвитнул(а)
    25 сент.

    Its a dark & filthy night. The sort of night when silver Sargasso-bound get on the move. Feeling the rain & rising waters they slip out of the unseen to ride the torrent

  4. ретвитнул(а)
    25 сент.

    Red deer come down for a drink & to feast on at dawn. It all happens at while we are asleep

  5. 24 сент.

    The man in action at a in the great village of ,

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  6. 24 сент.
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  7. 22 сент.
  8. 22 сент.

    Paper out by & on impact of . Diagram shows no. of Countryside Stewardship (2016-19) agreements including in different counties. effect is clear but more pond work needed

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  9. ретвитнул(а)
    20 сент.

    Ponds Week may be over but the work rolls on with dozens lined up across the county

  10. ретвитнул(а)
    19 сент.

    Well it's a wrap for which included 4 pond restorations, 3 management's, a film crew, 2 radio interviews & 4 sediment cores. A great week with a brill team. Thanks to all. Now over to , for 40+ more restorations this season

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  11. ретвитнул(а)
    17 сент.

    Sediment layers full of broad-leaved leaves & are exposed by the digger. The seeds are viable for centuries & will revive this restored by next summer

  12. ретвитнул(а)
    16 сент.

    What a team by what looks like a bomb crater! But by next year this will be a brilliant restored !

  13. ретвитнул(а)
    16 сент.

    A volcano erupted in village today. Black organic gold stuff for the soil from the @2020ponds

  14. ретвитнул(а)
    16 сент.

    Comparing July this year with NOW for this farm that we restored 2 years ago. It is dry now but what an absolutely brilliant site!!!

  15. ретвитнул(а)
    2 окт. 2019 г.

    We are now 8 ponds in! 🙆‍♀️ And whilst we’re at it here are 3 pond restoration tips to maximise results! 1) light 2) buffer 3) good digger driver!

  16. ретвитнул(а)
    15 сент.

    A management as well as restorations today to keep this wonderful little carp containing pond from becoming swallowed by willow

  17. ретвитнул(а)
    15 сент.

    A quick visit & some detection at a we managed 2 years ago. A little wetland wilderness at the edge of a field. Maybe a bat hot-spot?

  18. ретвитнул(а)
    15 сент.

    Help please. found Freshwater in one of our restored with sponge fly larvae. What species is this?

  19. ретвитнул(а)
    14 сент.

    Scraping out black leafy mud from inaccessible areas with 's digger extension & exposing seedbanks rich in aquatic seeds at Raggedy Barn Pond 1

  20. ретвитнул(а)
    14 сент.

    Spot the difference: some light management of blackthorn takes a small team of 1 hour to tackle on a pond restored in 2016. A few years and this job would become much more time consuming

    Before management
    After management
  21. ретвитнул(а)
    11 сент.

    It's pond restoration 2020. We plan to restore 30-40 more scrubbed over before Xmas. Over the next 6 days we will restore 4-5 ponds with a small but beautiful team. In 2 years they will be mega-ponds!!! Follow:


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