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Participants 542,538
US$ 248,540,966
Nets 114,922,818

Financial information

Annual accounts - What we file
Easier-to-understand accounts - Simpler

Annual accounts

We file annual accounts in a number of countries. Our financial year runs from 1st July to 30th June, i.e. FY 2021 is 1st July 2020 to 30th June 2021.

UK (Global consolidated) accounts - audited

Easier-to-understand accounts

We show below, our audited annual accounts with additional detail added and laid out in a way we believe is clearer than formal accounts.

AMF Global Consolidated Accounts (Audited)

Real-time financial accounts for FY 2020 year-to-date (YTD) are generated in real-time.

 FY 2021
  FY 2020
Being Audited
FY 2019
FY 2018
FY 2017
FY 2016
FY 2015
1. Consolidated revenues and costs and balances in-hand
Revenue $1,247,053   $38,048,957 $42,386,234 $34,390,480 $46,868,651 $49,133,859 $14,159,328
Administrative costs $-17,040 1.37%   $-564,494 $-543,054 $-395,634 $-285,908 $-148,373 $-140,081
LLIN costs $622,808   $-66,082,158 $-21,342,843 $-27,283,312 $-17,388,175 $-32,049,860 $-3,228,424
Non-net costs $-93,259   $-1,875,089 $-1,776,486 $8,068,436 $-8,063,359 $-2,990,176 $-655,235
Insecticide Resistance Research $0   $-311,411 $-17,406 $-29 $-2,537,495 $-113,504 $0
Foreign exchange adjustment (5) $-1,171   $-379 $7,503 $-23,237 $-18,760 $-76,445 $-6,479
Balance from this year (or YTD) $1,758,391   $-30,784,575 $18,713,948 $14,756,762 $18,574,954 $13,760,501 $10,129,109
Balance from prior year $56,690,294   $87,474,869 $68,760,921 $54,004,159 $35,429,205 $21,668,704 $11,539,595
Total funds carried forward... $58,448,685   $56,690,294 $87,474,869 $68,760,921 $54,004,159 $35,429,205 $21,668,704
   ...of which
   Balance in-hand to purchase nets $47,011,913   $45,236,232 $82,099,405 $59,982,637 $5,343,403 $34,478,521 $19,909,402
   Balance in hand to fund non-net costs $9,983,466   $9,983,466 $5,003,697 $8,370,499 $255,058 $13,320 $1,216,879
   Balance in hand to fund IR Research $710   $710 $16,021 $173,737 $151,356 $387,486 $500,275
   Balance in-hand to cover administrative costs $1,452,596   $1,469,886 $355,746 $234,048 $254,342 $549,878 $42,148
2. Funds for nets
Incoming funds $1,125,055   $27,316,652 $40,312,934 $32,834,883 $35,617,984 $46,333,425 $11,775,807
Interest (2) $1,424   $1,647,681 $2,899,648 $909,580 $455,673 $167,846 $26,437
Gift Aid (3) $36,958   $352,307 $368,544 $350,270 $316,841 $220,521 $137,679
Credit card fees (incl VAT) (1) $-9,716   $-112,722 $-127,978 $-149,760 $-124,326 $-102,037 $-54,615
Cost deductions (4) $72   $17,625 $7,332 $-24,885 $-6,142 $-93 $-20
Foreign exchange adjustment (5) $-920   $-2,558 $-869 $2,458 $-6,973 $-683 $-294
Sub-total available to purchase nets $1,152,873   $29,218,985 $43,459,611 $33,922,546 $36,253,057 $46,618,979 $11,884,994
Balance to purchase nets from prior year $45,236,232   $82,099,405 $59,982,637 $53,343,403 $34,478,521 $19,909,402 $11,525,832
Total available to purchase nets $46,389,105   $111,318,390 $103,442,248 $87,265,949 $70,731,578 $66,528,381 $23,137,826
# of nets purchased and forward commitments -366,400   33,013,947 12,714,100 14,855,620 8,957,200 13,437,220 1,284,900
LLIN costs $622,808   $-66,082,158 $-21,342,843 $-27,283,312 $-17,388,175 $-32,049,860 $-3,228,424
Balance in-hand to purchase nets (6) $47,011,913   $45,236,232 $82,099,405 $59,982,637 $53,343,403 $34,478,521 $19,909,402
Funds ringfenced, detailed discussion stage$-41,000,000
Balance not ringfenced$6,011,913
3. Non-net funds & costs (covered by donor/s who have arranged with us to donate for this specific purpose) (7)
Incoming funds $93,259   $6,854,631 $-1,613,000 $0 $8,300,000 $1,784,322 $1,690,000
Interest $0   $227 $22,684 $47,005 $5,097 $2,295 $1,364
Non-net costs $-93,259   $-1,875,089 $-1,776,486 $-8,068,436 $-8,063,359 $-2,990,176 $-655,235
Sub-total $0   $4,979,769 $-3,366,803 $8,115,441 $241,738 $-1,203,559 $1,036,129
Balance from prior year $9,983,466   $5,003,697 $8,370,499 $255,058 $13,320 $1,216,879 $180,750
Balance in hand to fund non-net costs $9,983,466   $9,983,446 $5,003,697 $8,370,499 $255,058 $13,320 $1,216,879
Funds ringfenced, detailed discussion stage$-9,000,000
Balance not ringfenced$983,466
4. Insecticide Resistance Research
Incoming funds $0   $296,000 $-150,000 $0 $2,300,000 $0 $500,000
Interest $0   $101 $9,690 $22,352 $1,365 $715 $275
Expenditure $0   $-311,411 $-17,406 $29 $-2,537,495 $-113,504 $0
Sub-total $0   $-15,311 $-157,716 $22,381 $-236,130 $-112,789 $500,275
Balance from prior year $710   $16,021 $173,737 $151,356 $387,486 $500,275 $0
Balance in hand to fund IR Research $710   $710 $16,021 $173,737 $151,356 $387,486 $500,275
5. All administrative costs are covered by a small group of private donors
Private donor funds from prior year (8) $1,469,886   $355,746 $234,048 $254,342 $549,878 $42,148 $106,013
Private donor funds received this year (9) $0   $1,676,400 $655,650 $400,000 $0 $730,449 $82,082
Interest (10) $1   $55 $730 $1,035 $2,159 $1,416 $319
Funds available for administrative costs $1,469,887   $2,032,201 $890,428 $655,377 $552,037 $774,013 $188,414
Salaries (including taxes, pension costs) $-16,755   $-549,703 $-529,780 $-395,634 $-285,908 $-148,373 $-140,081
Other costs $-34   $-14,791 $-13,274 $0 $0 $0 $0
Donated services (given value, non-cash cost) (11) $-6,726   $-82,885 $-85,834 $-80,538 $-80,618 $-79,541 $-54,258
Donated support (given value, non-cash cost) $6,726   $82,885 $85,834 $80,538 $80,618 $79,541 $54,258
Cost of administering charity (12) $-16,789 1.37%   $-564,494 $-543,054 $-395,634 $-285,908 $-148,373 $-140,081
Foreign exchange adjustment (5) $-251   $2,179 $8,372 $-25,695 $-11,787 $-75,762 $-6,185
Balance in-hand to cover administrative costs $1,452,847   $1,469,886 $355,746 $234,048 $254,342 $549,878 $42,148
6. Ratios
Administrative costs as a % of revenue received 1.37%   1.48% 1.28% 1.15% 0.61% 0.30% 0.99%
Years of admin. costs in-hand (at current FY spend)2.9