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#TwitterLive. Watch Adriana Duque Hughes, Sr Director, discuss the future of work in uncertain times.#GartnerHR#HumanResources#COVID19 …Hvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
#supplychain leaders are embracing 3 key principles. What are they? Find out during our free webinar, ready to watch on-demand: Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
While building
#data and analytics teams, avoid these 5 roadblocks. Gartner analyst Jorgen Heizenberg explains how to overcome them here: Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
#selling is here to stay, requiring sales leaders to invest in infrastructure and revise the format of sales kickoff events and training. Learn more from Gartner expert Doug Bushée.#GartnerSales#CSO#Sales Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
Gartner proslijedio/la je Tweet
How can additional supplier collaboration benefit your organization? From gaining a
#competitiveadvantage to cost efficiency and growth opportunities, our#FutureofFinance report outlines the#CFO action steps you need: Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
CIOs: These 3 questions are key towards beginning post-pandemic strategy conversations. Read more
#GartnerSYM#CIO#COVID19 Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
Gartner proslijedio/la je Tweet
#WorldEmojiDay and we want to hear from you. Show us what your day looks like using emojis by commenting below.#LifeAtGartnerHvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
#Legal &#Compliance leaders, did you know that we have a community here for you on Twitter? Follow@Gartner_Legal for content specific to you and your role …Hvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
Are you wondering how to build a comprehensive
#cloud strategy? We can help. Watch our free, on-demand webinar discussion that reveals the "cookbook" for a winning cloud strategy today: Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
Gartner proslijedio/la je Tweet
How will
#COVID19 impact global#IT spending in 2020 and in the foreseeable future? Gartner analysts John Lovelock and Ranjit Atwal explain during this free webinar. Watch on-demand today: Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
@Gartner_Finance expert Jason Boldt says to increase the likelihood of long-term value growth, CFOs should fund competitive differentiation. Read more: Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
On 7/22, Gartner experts from across the C-Suite outline what
#business leaders must be doing now to drive 2020 results, and how to prepare for the next normal. Sign up for the free webinar today: Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
It’s difficult, but very important, to predict how your
#enterprise will evolve through recovery. Use our new framework to scenario-plan outcomes, make effective resource and#investment choices and build#resiliency: Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
Gartner identifies the top
#supplychain#technology trends in 2020. Read more: Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
Gartner experts Chet Geschickter, David Furlonger, and Jeff Cribbs are hosting a
#webinar at 11am ET to help position your organization for growth in the face of disruption. Join us live: Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
Gartner proslijedio/la je Tweet
#Digital skills are now part of almost every role, and our research shows demand for digital skills keeps expanding. Gartner expert Scott Engler explains more here: Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
While navigating budget constraints, private and public sector CIOs should explore these 10 techniques for IT
#CostOptimization Learn more about these techniques here: Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
Gartner identifies 10 ways for customer service and support leaders to quickly improve
#digital and self-service effectiveness. Read more here: .#CustServ#CustomerSupport#SelfServiceHvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
CIOs should ask these 3 questions before updating their strategies in the wake of
#COVID19. Read more here: Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
Join us at 11am ET for a free
#webinar, "Make Data-Driven Reopening Decisions with Healthcare and Life Science Insights About COVID-19." Register here: Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi
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