Gartner인증된 계정


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Stamford, CT
가입일: 2008년 6월


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  1. 메인 트윗
    7월 15일
  2. 11시간 전

    Today's leaders are embracing 3 key principles. What are they? Find out during our free webinar, ready to watch on-demand: .

  3. 11시간 전

    While building and analytics teams, avoid these 5 roadblocks. Gartner analyst Jorgen Heizenberg explains how to overcome them here:

  4. 12시간 전

    Virtual is here to stay, requiring sales leaders to invest in infrastructure and revise the format of sales kickoff events and training. Learn more from Gartner expert Doug Bushée.

  5. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    13시간 전

    How can additional supplier collaboration benefit your organization? From gaining a to cost efficiency and growth opportunities, our report outlines the action steps you need:

  6. 13시간 전

    CIOs: These 3 questions are key towards beginning post-pandemic strategy conversations. Read more ⬇

  7. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    15시간 전

    It's and we want to hear from you. Show us what your day looks like using emojis by commenting below. ⏰📲👍💭🌎

  8. 15시간 전

    & leaders, did you know that we have a community here for you on Twitter? Follow for content specific to you and your role ⬇

  9. 16시간 전

    Are you wondering how to build a comprehensive strategy? We can help. Watch our free, on-demand webinar discussion that reveals the "cookbook" for a winning cloud strategy today:

  10. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    7월 16일

    How will impact global spending in 2020 and in the foreseeable future? Gartner analysts John Lovelock and Ranjit Atwal explain during this free webinar. Watch on-demand today:

  11. 7월 16일

    . expert Jason Boldt says to increase the likelihood of long-term value growth, CFOs should fund competitive differentiation. Read more:

  12. 7월 16일

    On 7/22, Gartner experts from across the C-Suite outline what leaders must be doing now to drive 2020 results, and how to prepare for the next normal. Sign up for the free webinar today:

  13. 7월 16일

    It’s difficult, but very important, to predict how your will evolve through recovery. Use our new framework to scenario-plan outcomes, make effective resource and choices and build :

  14. 7월 16일

    Gartner identifies the top trends in 2020. Read more:

  15. 7월 16일

    Gartner experts Chet Geschickter, David Furlonger, and Jeff Cribbs are hosting a at 11am ET to help position your organization for growth in the face of disruption. Join us live:

  16. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    7월 16일

    skills are now part of almost every role, and our research shows demand for digital skills keeps expanding. Gartner expert Scott Engler explains more here:

  17. 7월 15일

    While navigating budget constraints, private and public sector CIOs should explore these 10 techniques for IT 👇💡 Learn more about these techniques here:

  18. 7월 15일

    Gartner identifies 10 ways for customer service and support leaders to quickly improve and self-service effectiveness. Read more here: .

  19. 7월 15일

    CIOs should ask these 3 questions before updating their strategies in the wake of . Read more here:

  20. 7월 15일

    Join us at 11am ET for a free , "Make Data-Driven Reopening Decisions with Healthcare and Life Science Insights About COVID-19." Register here:


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