COVID-19 Resource Center


An Executive's Guide to Returning Employees to the Workplace

When should employees return to the workplace post-pandemic? Which employees should return? What does a 'return' look like? Use the Gartner return-to-workplace guide to help you make these and other key decisions, craft a clear and intentional plan for returning employees to the workplace and smooth the transition for those who return.

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C-Suite Imperatives in a New Normal

Coronavirus pandemic, racial tensions, economic downturn, climate change. Join a cross-functional panel of Gartner experts and former C-level executives to discuss how and why the C-Suite must adapt to the new normal.

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The Value of Gartner Event Sponsorship
The Value of Gartner Event Sponsorship

Gartner ThinkCast: Post-COVID-19: Reset Your Business Strategy

As organizations begin to recover from COVID-19, a critical question remains unanswered: How must business strategy change to meet reset goals and ambitions. In this episode of Gartner ThinkCast, Gartner Associate Director of Content Marketing, Jackie Wiles speaks with Chris Howard, Gartner Chief of Research. Chris shares new research on a framework to help business leaders navigate the phases of pandemic recovery and reset strategy in these highly disrupted times.

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