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2020-04-07: This site is going to be decommissioned and shut down on 2020-07-01. Please copy and archive any data you wish to keep before that date.

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(Locked )

This project is currently locked. Access to the project's tools is read-only. Until the project is unlocked, no project files or data can be modified.

Moved to New Location

Moved to New Location

This project has been moved to GitHub. See: https://github.com/subclipse and https://github.com/subclipse/subclipse/wiki

As part of moving the project it has also been split into three separate repositories for Subclipse, svnClientAdapter and svnAnt. Since this obviously involved some editing and rewriting, I also posted a repository named "archive" which is a more pure dump of the full repository content including all binary files. The open issues for svnClientAdapter and svnAnt were loaded into their repositories and the open issues for Subclipse are loaded into the archive repository.

The discussion forums here have been closed. There is a new Google Group available for Subclipse and of course you can always post questions at StackOverflow.