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Summary Mailing list archive browser
Category techcomm
License CollabNet/Tigris.org Apache-style license
Owner(s) briangoetz, goetz, jrobbins, leonardr
Eyebrowse: A Java Servlet/Velocity-based browser for Unix mbox format mail archives

Eyebrowse is a web-based mailing list archive browser. Eyebrowse differs from other popular archive browsers in that it does not require that mailing lists be exploded into individual HTML files, and that the HTML rendering is done at serving time, rather than at the time the message is received, to allow for easy customization of the message display. HTML rendering is performed via the Velocity template engine.

Eyebrowse was commissioned by CollabNet, and originally developed by Quiotix Corporation.

The goal of the Eyebrowse project is to provide a way to browse email mailing list archives in a way that is:

  • Scalable to millions of messages
  • Easily customizable, especially in its look and feel
  • Reliable in actual use, including protecting against malicious or malformed HTML code

Eyebrowse has the following components:

  • A set of Java programs for managing Eyebrowse mailing lists and indexing messages in mailing lists
  • A set of Java servlets for retrieving, browsing, navigating, and searching Eyebrowse mailing lists
  • A MySQL database, which stores message index data (message data is stored in standard mbox file format)
  • A Lucene text index, for facilitating fast text searches (optional)