Successfully Source Digital Talent

Secure talent with a market-driven sourcing approach

Digital talent is hard to find

Digitalization is creating fierce competition for hires with digital skills. This is now felt across all sectors, not just those on the leading technological edge.

Talent shortages have a real business impact. For example, median time to fill critical roles increased by 30 business days between 2010 and 2017. This slowdown can stifle productivity, innovation and business growth.

Learn more: Recruitment strategies to acquire and retain top talent in the hypercompetitive labor market.

Digital talent is hard to find. Only one in 25 CIOs says their organization has deployed AI.

Needs-driven sourcing

When competing for digital talent, recruiters make several common mistakes. They promote their most appealing brand attributes, which aren't unique enough. They focus on their sales pitch instead of the candidate's career goals. And they prioritize preferred skills and experience instead of looking for what's truly needed. In addition, organizations often assume that more pay translates into more quality hires, underestimating other value drivers.

To put it simply, companies across diverse industries and across the globe are converging on the same talent pools.

Thomas Handcock

Practice Leader, Gartner Research

A market-centric view

Adopting a market-driven sourcing approach enables organizations to compete effectively for talent with digital skills. Recruiters anticipate organizational needs and the talent market, instead of simply acting as a hiring service. This flexible, yet evidence-based approach to recruiting can save the organization up to $1.8 million per 1,000 vacancies.

Insights you can use

Compared to recruiters who follow the defined needs of the organization, recruiters who deploy market-driven sourcing hire 22% more employees per year.

Compete for critical talent

A market-driven approach can help you overcome the common barriers that prevent you from competing effectively for critical talent.

Talent implications of digital transformations

Digitalization is not just disrupting business — it is disrupting talent as well. TalentNeuron™ helps inform your talent strategy in a constantly evolving world.

Defining digtalization

We surveyed over 500 senior executives and found that only 27% have a cohesive digitalization strategy across the enterprise. The definition of digitalization is crucial to set HR strategies for the future.

Gartner Human Resources Webinars

Build a winning strategy across HR with expert insights and strategies to help you meet your talent needs.

Gartner’s Talent Experts

Brian Kropp

Group Vice President,
Gartner Research

Dion Love

Principal Executive Advisor,
Gartner Research

Thomas Handcock

Practice Leader,
Gartner Research

Competing for Critical Talent

Discover the four common barriers preventing organizations from effectively competing for critical talent and how to overcome with a more market-driven approach.

Talent Implications of Digital Transformations

Digitalization is not just disrupting business – its disrupting talent as well. Help inform your talent strategy and see how our members are using TalentNeuron to help them succeed in this constantly evolving world.

Defining Digitalization

We surveyed over 500 senior executives and found that only 27% have a cohesive digitalization strategy across the enterprise. Learn how the best companies are defining digitalization and how they are using it to set their strategies for the future.

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