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2020-04-07: This site is going to be decommissioned and shut down on 2020-07-01. Please copy and archive any data you wish to keep before that date.

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Summary MaxQ is a web functional testing tool
Category testing
License BSD License
Owner(s) oliverbock, pixel

MaxQ records you using a web site. It turns the links you click on and any other input into a Python script that you can play back at any time. You might use it to:

  • Check that your web site still works (regression test).
  • Check that your web site is producing valid HTML (using JTidy).
  • Automatically extract information from, or take some action on, someones else's web site.

How it Works

MaxQ data-flow diagram

Key Benefits and Features

  • Free and open source (see the license).
  • Scripts are written in Jython, an implementation of Python. Python scripts are easy to understand, modify and extend.
  • Alternatively, the captured HTTP sessions may be saved as XML files, according to ISAC format, for (massive) replay with CLIF load testing platform (see clif.objectweb.org for details).
  • Works from the command line so you can run scripts unattended.
  • Understands cookies.
  • Written in Java so it runs anywhere.
  • Easy to enhance because the source code is simple.
  • Scripts can run as JUnit tests.
  • Works behind proxy servers.


  • Simplicity. MaxQ should be easy to understand and use, provided the user has a basic understanding of programming concepts. The tool should operate under the 'principle of least surprise'.
  • Practicality. QA engineers must actually be able to use the tool to test real web sites.

Getting Help

If you are having trouble using MaxQ then you should read the documentation and try some simple examples. If that doesn't help please direct questions to our users mailing list. If you have an urgent problem and don't have the time to monitor the mailing list then please see this page, or consider a prepaid support contract with one of the project administrators.

Bugs and Suggestions

If you find a bug in MaxQ, or you have a feature request, please register and join the project. That gives you the ability to use our Issue tracker. Alternatively, join our users mailing list and ask there.


Please help us improve MaxQ. Start by registering or logging in. Registration is very simple, and simply validates your email address. Then request to join the project, and download the CVS tree from tigris.org. We need help in the following areas:

  • Example python test scripts.
  • Tutorials/documentation.
  • Resolving bugs and requests from the issue tracker.
  • Code to integrate MaxQ into other IDEs.