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Summary Java Database
Categories libraries, construction, testing
License Apache License
Owner(s) geir, jvanzyl, rwald

Axion: Home

Axion: the Open Source Java Database

Axion is a small, fast, open source relational database system (RDBMS) supporting SQL and JDBC written in and for the Java programming language.


The Axion team is developing a complete, robust, modular, scalable and extensible relational database engine in Java under a commercial-friendly (BSD/Apache-style) license.

Project Status

While completely functional, the Axion project has been essentially dormant since mid-2006. In late 2007, changes were made to the HEAD version of Axion to upgrade it to support JDK 1.6.

We're a low ceremony kind of group around here, which is why you'll want to head over to the mailing lists (notably dev, users or cvs) or the source repository to track the latest activity.

The most recently release binary is 1.0 Milestone 2, released 11 July 2003, although the HEAD version contains a large number of enhancements over that.

The current version is 1.0 Milestone 3-Dev.

Axion is being actively developed has not yet had a formal 1.0 release. The codebase is well tested and featureful nevertheless, and is quite suitable for a number of production applications.

Milestone releases can be obtained from the releases page. To build Axion from scratch, see the instructions on how to obtain the source and build Axion.

The quick start documentation may help get you started, and there are number of robust tools that work with Axion as well. See the user's guide for more information.

Getting Involved

The Axion team welcomes development, documentation, testing and beta-user support. We've prepared some notes on getting involved. See the developer's guide for more information.

Axion - Open Source Java Database Engine
$Id: index.html,v 1.65 2007/11/15 15:09:27 rwald Exp $
Published 15 Nov 2007 at 3:07 PM GMT.