Didier Reyndersさんがリツイート
The right to move freely in the EU has been impacted by the
#coronavirus. Today we are proposing a well-coordinated, predictable and transparent approach to travel restrictions, always placing the protection of public health first. → https://europa.eu/!Pd47xq#StrongerTogetherpic.twitter.com/GGV7wJqAJwこのスレッドを表示今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す取り消す -
Le décès d’Annie Cordy provoque tellement de tristesse alors qu’elle nous apportait la gaité et la bonne humeur dans ses spectacles, ses chansons, sa présence. Toutes mes condoléances vont à sa famille et à ses proches.pic.twitter.com/F1ED0BPGEu
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EU countries need to work together on: Common criteria + thresholds for deciding when to introduce travel restrictions A common colour coding system Common measures for travellers from high-risk areas Giving public clear + timely info about travel restrictionspic.twitter.com/Uv5dCkraj2
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Our right to
#FreeMovement in the EU has been heavily impacted by#coronavirus.@EU_Commission is determined to ensure that national restrictions are coordinated and well communicated to all EU citizens. https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_20_1555 …pic.twitter.com/sM67oi5drc今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す取り消す -
Didier Reyndersさんがリツイート
Press conference by
@dreynders &@YlvaJohansson on the Commission's recommendations on measures restricting#travel in the#EU Pictures & videos available here: https://europa.eu/!bT37jn pic.twitter.com/kRkMteg9sv今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す取り消す -
Didier Reyndersさんがリツイート
We are proposing more clarity and predictability of any measures restricting free movement in the EU. Watch the press conference by Commissioners
@dreynders and@YlvaJohansson.#coronavirus#StrongerTogetherhttps://www.pscp.tv/w/1RDGlrdwBpmxL今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す取り消す -
Didier Reyndersさんがリツイート
Our priority is to ensure that Europeans can travel freely in EU while limiting the spread of
#COVID19. With various restrictions, it is now hard to know where we can travel & how. Today we propose to make it clearer, easier & safer, with a common colour code & set of measures.pic.twitter.com/A9w5LqwiXk今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す取り消す -
Didier Reyndersさんがリツイート
Press conference with
@dreynders and@YlvaJohansson on#FreeMovement and#coronavirus Watch live today at 14:00 CET https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/ebs/1/20200904 …今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す取り消す -
Didier Reyndersさんがリツイート
Press conference at 14:00 CET with Commissioners Didier Reynders and Ylva Johansson, on the Commission’s proposal regarding greater clarity and predictability of measures restricting free movement in the EU. Today at 14.00 CET https://europa.eu/!Wk33tc pic.twitter.com/9KbMZtN2nU
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Today COM has published a vacancy notice for the position of Director General
@EU_Justice, also open to external candidates. Promoting#RuleOfLaw & justice, protecting EU consumers is a fascinating mission. Do you want to take up the challenge? Apply https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=OJ:C:2020:292A:FULL&from=EN …pic.twitter.com/6RDTsZufwD今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す取り消す -
At the same time, EU companies need solid & predictable transfer mechanisms. We will work closely with data protection authorities &
@EU_EDPB on the way forward. We are also in contact with authorities to work on sustainable solutions, fully compliant with the ruling [3/3]pic.twitter.com/Btqx5ibfzg今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す取り消す -
This ruling is a strong reaffirmation of the fundamental right to
#dataprotection. Protection must travel with the data!@EU_Commission is committed to ensure compliance with the ruling & to ensure that the data of#EU citizens are properly protected@EU_Justice [2/3]@EU_EDPBpic.twitter.com/P90VVln5ZW今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す取り消す -
Today I exchanged views with the
@EP_Justice committee of@Europarl_EN on the#SchremsII ruling of@EUCourtPress, which invalidated#PrivacyShield & clarified the validity of standard contractual clauses + how they should be used [1/3]@maxschrems@EU_Commission@EU_EDPBpic.twitter.com/PtZWD4rLUU今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す取り消す -
When general meetings for companies cannot take place in person (as we have seen during
#coronavirus) it is essential that we find a way to support shareholders and protect their rights. These new EU rules are an essential piece of the puzzle. https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/mex_20_1557 …pic.twitter.com/h0BGDEstCL今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す取り消す -
Didier Reyndersさんがリツイート
EU rules to improve the communication between companies and their shareholders enter into force today. https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/mex_20_1557#8 …pic.twitter.com/nGYHucxnj6
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Didier Reyndersさんがリツイート
@EP_Justice, debate on#PrivacyShield w/@dreynders@EU_EDPB Chairwoman Jelinek and@maxschrems, to discuss ways forward on EU-US data transfers after@EUCourtPress ruling. Follow live from 13h45:https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/en/committee-on-civil-liberties-justice-and-home-affairs_20200903-1345-COMMITTEE-LIBE_vd …今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す取り消す -
#PrivacyShield : MEPs to assess the future of EU-US personal data flows @EP_Justice @EU_Commission @EU_EDPBhttps://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20200831IPR86015/privacy-shield-meps-to-assess-the-future-of-eu-us-personal-data-flows …今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す取り消す -
The time has come for a new approach to corporate governance, to deliver on the EU societal, human rights & environmental commitments. Read the study here https://ec.europa.eu/info/business-economy-euro/doing-business-eu/company-law-and-corporate-governance_en#studies … [3/3]
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1. Strengthen the role of directors in pursuing the long-term interest of the company 2. Reinforce directors’ accountability for the sustainability of their business conduct 3. Promote practices that encourage sustainability & tackle short-termism [2/3]
@woelkenpic.twitter.com/0qz72PvWVg今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す取り消す -
Today I presented the
@EU_Commission’s recent study on directors’s duty & sustainable corporate governance to the@EP_Legal committee of@Europarl_EN. This study identifies 3 objectives for a future#EU initiative on sustainable corporate governance [1/3]pic.twitter.com/xIH7L7fbAy今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す取り消す