A statement from Dr. Barbara Nemko, Napa County Superintendent of Schools, June 1, 2020:

As the County Superintendent of Schools and a 25-year resident of Napa, I join Napa Police Department Chief Robert Plummer and other elected officials in Napa County to condemn racism, bigotry, and abject cruelty, regarding the events leading to the death of George Floyd. Thanks to the citizens of Napa County for ensuring the protests in our town remained peaceful, and for serving as excellent role models for our children of what peaceful protest looks like. As communities across the country grapple with these issues, I believe public schools can play an important role in creating an honest conversation about racial injustice. What I appreciate about Napa County is that there is an incredible commitment to work together to solve our problems and advocate for change. Ultimately, it is our young people who will lead the rest of us on this path to a more equitable and hopeful future. To our students and staff who are hurting right now: We support you and we stand with you.

Black LIves Matter Protest 2020

A statement from Dr. Barbara Nemko, Napa County Superintendent of Schools, June 12, 2020:

June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month. Pride month commemorates the breakthrough moment in New York City in 1969 when the LBGTQ+ community stood tall and demanded the right to live freely, fully, and authentically. We are proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with them as citizens living in a country founded on the guiding principles of the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” The right to use your voice and advocate for progress is an important lesson for the students we serve.

LGBT Pride Month 2020

To support our LGBTQ+ staff, our Board will be reviewing our policies related to discrimination and equality, and will be considering a resolution to fly the Pride flag each June, beginning in 2021. We want to assure every member of the NCOE family that your work place is a safe space, no matter your sexual orientation, race, gender or religion.

There is a popular quote on the Internet, “New beginnings are often described as painful endings”. The world right now can feel despondent and hopeless, but I believe working together we can come out on the other side stronger and united. Let’s start a conversation at NCOE about the changes we can make to do our part to improve the world we live in for our students and staff.

There is still time to complete the Census!

Visit the U.S. Census Bureau today to complete your Census!

Let’s ensure all Californians are counted so we can put vital resources to good use here at home!

  • Build Better Roads and Schools
  • Fund Community Programs for Seniors, Children and Families
  • Create Jobs
  • Increase Housing

Starting in mid-March 2020, each household will get a letter in the mail explaining the different ways to fill out the Census. If you don’t receive a letter, you can go online or call to fill it out. Be sure you include any person living in your household, family or not.

Ways to Complete the Census

  • MAIL: Request a paper Census form in English or Spanish that can be mailed back to the U.S. Census Bureau.
  • PHONE: The Census can be completed by phone in 13 languages.
  • ONLINE: For the first time, the Census form will be available to complete online in 13 languages.

Learn more about the ways you can respond at the U.S. Census Bureau web site.

Printable Napa County Census 2020 Flyers

Main Office Info.





Napa County Office of Education (main)
2121 Imola Avenue
Napa, CA 94559

Program Locations

Napa County Office of Education
2121 Imola Avenue
Napa, CA  94559

Research & Professional Development Center
1450 Technology Lane, Suite 200
Petaluma, CA  94954

Napa Infant Program
1511 Myrtle Avenue
Napa, CA  94558

Napa Preschool Program
74 Wintun Court
Napa, CA 94559