BP Dev-Chat Summary: June 3rd, 2020

For this meeting we chose to focus on defining the next features the team will work on for the 7.0.0 development cycle as well as first information about the 7.0.0 release schedule.

7.0.0 Features whishlist

@im4th first thanked the contributors who submitted tickets to our Call for Tickets. If you haven’t had the chance to add yours yet, you still have time: the call’s deadline is set to June 17.

7.0.0 Release Schedule

At the end of our meeting we agreed on this schedule:

  • 7.0.0-beta1: October 15
  • 7.0.0 : December 1st

I’ve just updated the 7.0.0 milestone: let’s start contributing to this great release!

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on June 17 at 19:00 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#7-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BuddyPress dev-chat agenda: june 3rd, 2019

Our next development meeting will happen tomorrow at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress, we’ll have only one item to our agenda: BuddyPress next major release (7.0.0) features & schedule.

If you’d like to share with us your features wish-list, you’re very welcome to do so replying to our call for tickets.


#7-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

BuddyPress 7.0.0: Call for Tickets

BuddyPress 6.0.0 was released on May 14, we did the 6.0.0 development cycle review during our latest “dev-chat”, today we’re inviting you to contribute to 7.0.0’s kick-off by replying to this call for tickets (just like WordPress does before each release).

The priorities of the BuddyPress community matter, please let us know what:

  • bug(s) you’d like to get fixed for 7.0.0?
  • improvement(s) you’d like to see in 7.0.0?
  • new feature(s) you’d like to see introduced in 7.0.0?

Share your wish-list!

To do so, you simply need to pick the ticket link(s) you think we should prioritize on from our code source management tool and paste them into this post’s comment form. If you’d like to, you can also share your ideas about the corresponding ticket(s). If some “already shared” tickets are also interesting you: use the ⭐️ Like feature to second them.

You need inspiration?

Here are some custom queries you can have a look on to get some! 🤔

PS: don’t hesitate to add a new ticket, if you haven’t found a match into the above queries 😉

PS2: Adding your ticket here won’t necessarily guarantee inclusion. But no one can fix things they can’t see, so bravely share your thoughts!


This call for tickets will end on June 17, but we’ll begin discussing about what we’d like to see in BuddyPress 7.0.0 during our next dev-chat (June 3rd) : so the sooner you share your wish-list the better!

Thanks in advance for your help and let’s all wish a great 17th anniversary to WordPress 😍🎂


BP Dev-Chat Summary: May 20, 2020

Results and Feedbacks about BuddyPress 6.0.0

6.0.0 was released on May 14. The first subject we’ve discussed about was checking for issues related to this release that may have been published into our support forums. @vapvarun has been very active on support forums lately and confirmed there wasn’t any topics specific to this release.

@im4th talked about statistics and more precisely about this release’s download pike. It was reached on May 15 with 28300 downloads: almost 5K more than the 5.0.0’s download pike.

@im4th congratulated all BuddyPress contributors who got involved into the 6.0.0 release and did a great work.

What we think went well during the 6.0.0 development cycle?

For @mercime we had more contributors, “Fast-and-furious commits” and we kept enough time for polyglots (2 weeks of string freeze) to let them contribute to the translation of the 6.0.0 release.

@dcavins was pleased by the activity & engagement of this release lead 😍.

@im4th was happy we could work on the priority we defined after the 5.0.0 release : work on getting more beta-testers to help us add the final touches to 6.0.0 : the BP Beta Tester plugin has been published on the WordPress.org Plugins directory and it does the job pretty well according to @dcavinsBP Beta Tester is fantastic“.

We also said we were happy:

  • We shipped BuddyPress 6.0.0 huge props to every contributor
  • We shipped the 2020 BP Survey (If you haven’t replied to it yet, do it right away!) Huge props to @mercime
  • We completed the BP REST API and updated the reference documentation. Huge props to @espellcaste and @mercime
  • We moved user profile photos & cover images from xProfile to Members, and so far: nothing broke! Self Props to @im4th 😉.
  • @mercime added: we introduced the 2 first BuddyPress blocks. Props to @karmatosed @espellcaste & @im4th
  • JavaScript translations are working!
  • We gave props to the 4 polyglots contributors who made the plugin available in French, Spanish (Costa Rica), English (UK) & Romanian as soon as the plugin was updated!

What we think should be improved during the 7.0.0 development cycle?

  • We haven’t managed to motivate Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Dutch & Russian polyglots contributors. It’s really too bad BuddyPress is no fully translated into these languages.
  • We haven’t made progress on make.buddypress.org (@imath’s bad), we should try to set up this site to organize contributions and bring our development updates from this site to the BuddyPress.org network.
  • We haven’t moved any AJAX features to the BP REST API, we should try to benefit from the BP REST API (as soon as it’s possible) to improve the performance of the BuddyPress plugin.

PS: if you’d like to share your opinions about these two sections, you’re welcome to do so commenting this summary.

The 2020 BP Survey

@mercime gave us the very first learnings of this survey:

  • the majority of participants are using shared hosting and activate BuddyPress in their root WordPress sites.
  • Most are using the BP Nouveau Template pack.
  • Plugins and themes developer are testing BuddyPress with the latest stable BuddyPress release.
  • 60% of the contributors who are testing BuddyPress are using BP Beta Tester.
  • Most are checking the changelog to see what has evolved during the development cycle.

Of course these points are temporary results. We’ll be more specific as soon as the survey will be ended.

7.0.0 features wishlist

As we were running out of time @im4th suggested to publish a call for tickets on this blog, just like WordPress does on their Make WP/Core blog. We also agreed to think about it for the next 2 weeks and use our next development meeting to share our ideas. @IAmTheWebb suggested to organize a survey to “ask for feedback on features people would want“. @im4th thinks results of such survey are a bit difficult to use. We’ve experienced it for Blocks and we were not so convinced by the involvement it got. He also added he’s rather have something like “what feature do you want to contribute to for 7.0.0 release?“. We’ll test the call for tickets, it’s a good way to show how we are contributing to BuddyPress on our tool to manage the BuddyPress code source.

Next dev chat

It will happen on June 3rd at 19:00 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

Start picking the BuddyPress tickets, you’d like us to work on, we’ll soon publish the “BuddyPress 7.0.0 call for tickets” 😉

#6-0-0, #7-0-0, #survey

BP Dev Chat Agenda May 20, 2020


Next dev-chat is scheduled this wednesday (May 20) at 19:00 UTC. As usual it will happen in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  1. BuddyPress 6.0.0: first results and feedbacks.
  2. BuddyPress 2020 Survey
  3. 7.0.0 first feature ideas
  4. Open floor.

If you have anything you wish to add (or remove) to this agenda or specific items related to those listed above, please leave a comment below.

#6-0-0, #survey

BuddyPress 6.0.0

BuddyPress 6.0.0 is ready for download! > https://buddypress.org/2020/05/buddypress-6-0-0/

Many thanks to our 42 contributors, let’s upgrade to enjoy their great work 💪

#6-0-0, #release

BP Dev-Chat Summary: May 6, 2020

Before discussing about the points on our agenda, @im4th explained why he quickly packaged a second Release Candidate on May 3rd. His goal was to early fix an issue about the BuddyPress build process regarding how JavaScript i18n strings can be identified by GlotPress on our WordPress.org plugin repository. The idea was to leave as much time as possible to Polyglots Contributors to help us make available our next major release in as much languages as possible.

BuddyPress 6.0.0 Hello & Credits Screens, & the 2020 survey

We’ve been discussing about an a11y issue @mercime raised into this comment. @im4th said he will look into it asap to try to fix it before 6.0.0 release. The improvements @dcavins (many thanks for your help) brought to the initial patch has been taken in account during the first commit about the Hello Screen. We will add the link to the 2020 survey at the last minute. @mercime already opened a ticket on Meta Trac to request for survey banners on our sites (BuddyPress.org, the Codex and the Developer Ressources site). @mercime (many thanks to you too!!) also committed to update the props of the Credits Screen for 6.0.0. The 2 last steps about props are to:

  • include the Polyglots contributors to the Props list.
  • introduce a new section “Noteworthy Contributors to 6.0.0” and do the required updates about the drop of the “Recent Rockstars” one.

About this new section @im4th suggested to add  @vapvarun @IAmTheWebb and @Passoniate to it and left “nomination” opened if other members of the team want to add other important contributors to 6.0.0.

Finally, we’ve listed the ultimate tasks to achieve before 6.0.0 release.

  1. Fix last PHP 7.4 issues. Many thanks to @rayisme for dealing with it and fixing it 💪.
  2. Update the 6.0.0 changelog.
  3. Write the 6.0.0 announcement post.
  4. Choose the Pizza name for this release (@im4th will reach out to team’s member privately in Slack to keep it secret until d-day!).

BP REST API Documentation updates

After @im4th‘s first pass about it less than 10 endpoints needed a review/update. He thinks it’s doable before the release date and since the dev-chat, it’s important to mention that @mercime has been doing an amazing job about it reviewing and updating 11 endpoints so far 👏🏆.

6.0.0 Final schedule

BuddyPress 6.0.0 is slated for release on May 14

@im4th is confident we will be able to release it for May 14th. No blockers were raised during the meeting, so let’s do it !

Next dev chat

It will happen on May 20 at 19:00 UTC (a week after release) and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#6-0-0, #dev-chat