Sales Enablement Leader

How sales can transform the enablement function to drive productivity

Sellers report sales enablement adding complexity to their jobs

Sellers are overwhelmed by the volume of internal support resources provided by their organizations. This increased internal complexity is causing lost or stalled deals. The traditional resources being provided by organizations are not aligned to the discontinuous way that customers move through the buying journey. These trends are leading to lower conversation rates and struggles for buyers trying to complete the purchase process.

Forces Capable of Misaligning Role Design and Seller Execution.
My relationship with Gartner has really allowed me to expand the value that I bring to my organization.

Scott Leavitt

Head of Sales Excellence, BASF

Improve the value of sales enablement support

Sales enablement leaders play an important role in supporting sellers in today’s complex selling environment. High-performing enablement functions focus on providing targeted support that simplifies the seller experience and reduces seller burden, leading to increased conversion rates.

Today's seller spend 16.4% of the sales cycle managing internal complexities.

Insights you can use

Gartner's sales enablement insight, advice, data and tools help sales leaders transform their enablement function from a reactive hub for seller support to a proactive team that drives transformative productivity gains.

Tap into the latest enablement tools to unlock sales performance

Sales leaders will need to leverage new technology and tools for reps as they help B2B buyers through the complex buying journey. Gartner can help you develop a vision for sales enablement that includes content, training and coaching.

Customers are already 57% of the way down the purchase path before they consider engaging with you.

Align sales enablement with buyer expectations

Today’s buyers are navigating an increasingly complex purchasing cycle. As they move through the process, they are looking for suppliers to guide them forward and provide value every step of the way. Gartner can provide you with the tools to increase the quality of buyer interactions to maximize sales effectiveness.

Evolve your sales process to simplify buying

The complexity of selling has increased significantly, while access and ability to provide value to customers has decreased markedly. Gartner can teach you how sales organizations are better enabling customers to confidently progress through the buying process using tools and support aligned to how they actually buy.

Distribution of buying groups' time by key buying activities. 17% goes towards meeting with potential suppliers.

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How do we help support your sales team?

Chris Fris, VP, Global Sales Strategy and Operations at Ryder Systems, Inc. shares how a Gartner expert helped him wade through a myriad of systems and enablement products to determine what would be most useful to the sales team.

Gartner topic experts

Gartner's sales experts support a range of activities around sales enablement. Meet a few of our leaders.

Michele Buckley
Sr Director Analyst

Danielle McKinley
Director, Advisory

Shayne Jackson
Sr Director Analyst

Doug Bushee
Sr Director Analyst

Brian Cain
Sales Manager

Scott Collins
VP, Team Manager

Tom Cosgrove
Sr Director, Advisory

Dave Egloff
Sr Director Analyst

Tessa Flaherty
Sr Principal, Advisory

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Gartner for Sales provides sales leaders with the insights, advice and tools they need to address their mission-critical priorities.