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About Netlify

Four Netlifiers in conversation in the office’s lounge area

We want the web to win

Netlify is a web developer platform that multiplies productivity.

By unifying the elements of the modern decoupled web, from local development to advanced edge logic, Netlify enables a 10x faster path to much more performant, secure, and scalable websites and apps.

Our bet on the Jamstack is quickly coming true. The web is rapidly changing away from monolithic to decoupled apps, and web developers are storming ahead with more power than ever. Netlify is built to cater to that movement, and in just a few years we’ve on-boarded more than half a million businesses and developers, and are building and serving millions of web projects daily around the globe.

Fun fact: in the time it took you to read the above, Netlify served over 350,000 requests.

A company is as good as its team

Netlify is a diverse group of incredible talent from all over the world. We’re ~40% woman or non-binary, and have about half as many nationalities as we are team members!

Just over half of the company works remotely and the rest out of our HQ in San Francisco. Even HQ team members work from home two days every week to ensure we are not just remote friendly, but truly have a distributed culture.

nelson Diallo Chris McCraw Michelle Lew Amarilis Dias Jason Wimp Leslie Cohn-Wein Phil Hawksworth Shawn Wang Shawn Erquhart
Netlifiers currently live and work in 18 locations around the world.

Nice to meet you

Quite a few of us like to talk and write about what we do. Check out some recent articles, presentations and videos to get a feel for what we’re all about.

  • Culture

    If a company is as good as the team of people who work there, then a team is as good as its culture. We aim to be as intentional as we can in how we scale both our organization and culture.

    Read all about our philosophy and values

  • Distribution

    Netlify is a partially distributed company. Half of us work remotely and the rest at our headquarters in San Francisco. We’ve structured Netlify to support this and we pride ourselves on having a distributed culture.

    Read more about the things we do to support it


We’re a tightly knit team of driven, mission-focused people. We’re growing rapidly while still nurturing our culture by carefully adding passionate and empathetic people.

We have lots of open positions. That said, we hire people, not roles. Together we will carve out the right fit that gives you maximum joy and sets you up for success, while making sure it’s what we need to keep taking strides in creating a better web. For all of us.

Can you find yourself in the above? Join us.

Check open positions

Four Netlifiers sitting around a table in a conference room looking at a widescreen TV with five remote colleagues on video chat