Our award-winning service team has no tiers, no bots, no hand-offs, just highly trained professionals who answer your questions and solve your issue.
Phone support is available day and night for existing customers, account support, and general inquiries.
U.S. 855-454-6633
India 000-800-919-0534 | Intl +1-609-380-7100
Fax 609-380-7200
If you have a question about a large deployment or migration, we are here to help. Request a meeting with one of our solutions consultants today.
Contact us if you need help recovering your account credentials or have a general inquiry.
Professional, system administration assistance as a service. U.S.: 866-238-9435, Intl.: +1-609-380-7562
Chat with the Linode community on the Linode IRC channel. Join #linode on irc.oftc.net on your favorite IRC client.
We encourage reports of any abuse or suspected abuse originating from our network. Please include logs if possible.
We're dedicated to responding to security issues with the Linode platform. You can encrypt your report using our PGP key.