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This page contains reference information about the Toolforge hosting environment, the basics of using Tool Accounts and working with co-maintainers, essential workflows you'll need to follow, and the software and tools you'll need to create successful tools.

Follow the Toolforge quickstart guide to start using Toolforge to create and maintain tools.

About Toolforge

About Toolforge page will help you understand what Toolforge is, some of its features, and how it is structured.

Tool Accounts

Tool Accounts will help you understand what a Tool Account is, the first steps to create a Tool Account/tool, basic configurations and commands, and how to add and remove maintainers.

Rules, policies, and best practices for using Toolforge

Understand the rules and policies you must follow in order to participate with Toolforge, and learn more about best practices for developing with Toolforge.

Create a Wikimedia developer account

A Wikimedia developer account is required in addition to a Wikimedia account, if you plan to access, use, and make contributions to Wikimedia's protected services, including Toolforge.

How-Tos and Developer Stories

The How-to page contains walk-throughs, tutorials, and developer stories.

Version Control in Toolforge

Version control in Toolforge to learn how version control tools will help you collaborate with other tool maintainers and manage files and backups in your Tool Accounts. This page covers using Git and a variety of options available for you to create and manage repositories.

Database access

See the Toolforge database page for more information about database access. This page also contains code samples in a variety of languages.

Grid engine

See the Toolforge grid engine page for more information about the submitting managing, and scheduling jobs on the grid.

Email in Toolforge

See the Email page for more information on sending email to and from various parts of Toolforge.

Web services

See the Web page for information about creating Tools with a Web service component using PHP, Python, or other programming languages.


See Elasticsearch for information about using Elasticsearch with Toolforge.

Redis for Toolforge

See Redis for Toolforge for more information.

Dumps in Toolforge

See Toolforge dumps to access information about dumps in Toolforge.

Troubleshooting Toolforge

See Troubleshooting Toolforge for information about common issues and errors and to learn more about how to report problems when you encounter them.

Communication and support

We communicate and provide support through several primary channels. Please reach out with questions and to join the conversation.

Communicate with us
Connect Best for
Phabricator Workboard #Cloud-Services Task tracking and bug reporting
IRC Channel #wikimedia-cloud connect General discussion and support
Mailing List cloud@ Information about ongoing initiatives, general discussion and support
Announcement emails cloud-announce@ Information about critical changes (all messages mirrored to cloud@)
News wiki page News Information about major near-term plans
Cloud Services Blog Clouds & Unicorns Learning more details about some of our work
Wikimedia Technology Blog News and stories from the Wikimedia technical movement

See Also
