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COVID-19 cases are rising in 21 states
COVID-19 4 hours ago
These states include Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas and Utah.
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Kelly Clarkson files for divorce from husband Brandon Blackstock
After nearly 7 years of marriage, Kelly Clarkson and Brandon Blackstock are going their separate ways.
Worried About The Economy? Everything Is About To Get Much Worse
The US economy right now is like a jumbo jet that’s in a steady glide after both its engines flamed out. In about six weeks, it will likely crash into the side of a mountain.
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The Republican Party's 2020 platform condemns the ‘current president'
The Republican National Committee chose not to change its language from four years ago, keeping verbatim more than three dozen unflattering references to those in power at the White House.
NY Gov Andrew Cuomo says it's not time for the Christopher Columbus statue to be taken down
US news Earlier today
During his daily briefing, Cuomo told reporters on Thursday that he supports the Columbus statue in New York because it represents the "Italian-American contribution" throughout the country.
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A Woman Who Makes Michael Kors Bags Was Jailed For A Facebook Post
A Cambodian woman who makes bags for brands like Michael Kors and Kate Spade was jailed for two months after expressing her fears about the coronavirus.
PlayStation's new look brought out the memes
Gaming 2 hours ago
The PS5 reveal confirmed that Sony had broken away from its more traditional PlayStation design, prompting many to quickly draw comparisons.
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White celebrities call out their own complicity in racism in 'I take responsibility' PSA
Celebrity This afternoon
Celebrities including Sarah Paulson, Julianne Moore, Justin Theroux, Stanley Tucci, Aaron Paul and others partnered with the NAACP for a new PSA which urges people to speak up when witnessing racist comments or actions rather than turning a blind eye to them.
Louisville Metro Council unanimously votes to ban the use of no-knock warrants
US news 3 hours ago
Three months after Louisville, Kentucky police killed Breonna Taylor while serving a no-knock warrant at her home, the Metro Council unanimously passed a comprehensive ban on no-knock police raids on Thursday. The measure will be titled “Breonna’s Law," after Taylor whose fatal shooting has fueled national protests.
COVID-19 patient receives first double lung transplant for someone with virus in US
COVID-19 5 hours ago
Surgeons at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago performed the US's first successful double lung transplant on a COVID-19 patient The patient is a young woman in her 20s whose lungs have been ravaged by the virus. "A lung transplant was her only chance for survival,” said Dr. Ankit Bharat, the chief of thoracic surgery.
President Trump praises police and National Guard's response to protests nationwide
Politics 4 hours ago
President Trump discussed police reform during a visit to Dallas on Thursday, saying that the National Guard’s response to the protests in Minneapolis was “like a knife cutting butter.” He also said he’s finalizing an executive order that will encourage police departments nationwide to use “force with compassion.”
Where coronavirus cases are rising fastest
There are emerging hot spots in Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Zoom shut down U.S. activists’ account after Tiananmen commemoration
Researchers have questioned whether Zoom's relationships with subsidiary companies in China could give the country’s government undue leverage.
A hedge fund guy says he wants to save newspapers. No one's buying it.
How Heath Freeman, the hedge fund manager at Alden Global Capital, took control of one of the biggest newspaper groups in America — and what it means for democracy.
Jacksonville, Florida, confirmed as next RNC venue
Politics 1 hour ago
The GOP will move the Republican National Convention to the North Florida city, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel confirmed. The move comes following a dispute with North Carolina's governor over pandemic restrictions. The RNC is currently scheduled to take place in August.
Lapses in data verification blamed for retracted Covid-19 drug studies
A pair of medical journals retracted articles about drugs for treating Covid-19 after questions arose about the existence of data on patient records that were supposed to underlie the research.
Asia Kate Dillon asks SAG Awards to drop gendered categories
The 'Billions' star, who is the first non-gender-binary performer to play a non-binary character on TV, was invited to join the SAG Awards committee, but in an open letter says they want acting categories to become gender neutral first.
Starbucks Won't Let Employees Wear Black Lives Matter Gear
The retail giant said wearing pro-BLM pins or T-shirts would violate its dress code policy because the accessories advocate a "political, religious, or personal issue."
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President Trump authorizes economic sanctions and travel restrictions against some International Criminal Court workers
US news Earlier today
In an executive order released Thursday, President Trump authorized economic sanctions and travel restrictions against workers from the International Criminal Court who are investigating US troops and intelligence officials for alleged war crimes in Afghanistan.
We Need to Talk About Speed Cameras
The law invented the concept of officer discretion so white drivers could get fewer speeding tickets. If we want to have fair and equitable policing, we'll have to get over our hatred for speed cameras.