Open The Government


Advancing policies that create a more open, accountable, and responsive government. Press inquiries:

Washington, D.C.
Menyertai Mac 2009


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  1. Tweet Dipinkan
    13 Nov 2019

    ████’s White House announced a copy of the ███████ report would be preserved under the Presidential Records Act - until 2028. ████ then, it may not be ███████ to the public. Learn more

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  2. 22 Apr

    New: Congress missed an opportunity to protect against waste & abuse of taxpayer money in the $2 trillion CARES Act, but it can include strong transparency and accountability mechanisms for private contractors in the next legislative response to COVID-19.

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  3. Mengetweet Semula
    21 Apr

    No president should rely on a secret body of law to consider unprecedented, unconstitutional actions. Not during a pandemic, or anytime. I’m asking the Trump Admin for any justification for Trump’s baseless assertion of “total” authority over the states. Read it here:

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  4. 21 Apr

    NEW: and more call for strong transparency & accountability provisions in next legislative response to COVID-19 pandemic. Read the full letter:

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  5. 17 Apr

    Especially during the pandemic, the public should be able to know private contractors aren’t guilty of waste or fraud at the expense of public health & safety. Our new one-pager has more info on why should apply to private contractors

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  6. 17 Apr

    Trump administration paid a bankrupt company with zero employees $55 million for N95 masks which it's never manufactured

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  7. Mengetweet Semula
    15 Apr

    NEW UPDATED lawsuit: There are tens of thousands of pages of docs at numerous federal agencies about their response to the outbreak, many of which will lay bare what Trump and his admin was told and when We are going after every document that exists.

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  8. Mengetweet Semula
    17 Apr

    First federal Covid dox I know of released via . (Let me know what I've missed.) Props to FOIA shop for working diligently in these tough times. Fun to write and work with and

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  9. 16 Apr

    NEW: One-pager on protecting the public’s access to information during pandemic has top recommendations for Congress. More funding for offices; give officers access to e-records, & require CARES Act funds contain provision for contractors.

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  10. Mengetweet Semula
    15 Apr

    New: Defense Department IG says in long-awaited audit of JEDI Cloud contract that it could not review this matter fully because of the assertion of a “presidential communications privilege."

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  11. 14 Apr

    “The proposal illustrates the extent to which DoD will go to keep the revolving door in full swing” - quoted us in this important story about the Pentagon looking to undo the modest anti-lobbying reforms Congress made in 2017. More via

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  12. 13 Apr

    The Defense Dept.’s NDAA proposals would weaken transparency, accountability when they’re needed most. Here are reasons why the provisions are detrimental to the public’s right to know and shouldn’t be included in this year's NDAA

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  13. Mengetweet Semula
    10 Apr
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  14. 13 Apr

    Trump Has Emergency Powers We Aren’t Allowed to Know About: They are in presidential emergency action documents that could appear in the coronavirus crisis. Congress must insist on having full access to them. More by Liz Goitein & Andrew Boyle in NYT.

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  15. Mengetweet Semula
    10 Apr

    I wrote about how Trump is trying to use the pandemic to do away with independent oversight once and for all:

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  16. 10 Apr

    Open The Government is one of 25 accountability organizations calling on Congress to urgently pass Inspector General removal protections given the recent IG dismissals.

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  17. 10 Apr

    Sunlight is the best disinfectant, especially during a pandemic and attempts to restrict the public's right to information by suspending response deadlines counters

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  18. Mengetweet Semula
    10 Apr

    Whistleblowers are an important part of democracy. For the past 27 years I have spoken to whistleblowers and advocated for more WB protections with friends such as , , and . Today, honors Navy Capt. Brett Crozier.

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  19. Mengetweet Semula
    9 Apr

    Where are all the watchdogs? Check out our Inspector General vacancy tracker to see all the watchdog positions that need to be filled:

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  20. Mengetweet Semula
    9 Apr

    NEW: Dems got comfortable with the $2T coronavirus bill because it included multiple layers of protection against abuse/waste. But weeks later, none of the oversight mechanisms are functional while 100s of billions of dollars are starting to flow.

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  21. 9 Apr

    ‘Paper hearings’ replace committee staple in the Senate prompted by coronavirus pandemic and extended recess.

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