Become a 2020 Mom Ambassador, Pledge to do Two of the activities.

And join our closed community of do-gooders on Facebook to inspire and support each other in completing projects noted below. Together we can improve MMH awareness and outcomes.

Once you do two you'll earn your Ambassador badge to proudly display on social media profiles and/or website.

Once earned, you may proudly display your Ambassador badge on social media, let your networks know of your Ambassadorship and promote your ambassador activities as such. Share our website content and social media posts freely. However, please do not post any written articles/statements/etc. written by you using 2020 Mom's name or your status as an ambassador without first obtaining 2020 Mom's written consent and submitting the content you wish to post/publish.

Yearly Ambassador Badges are distributed twice a year, in April & October. Those who have completed qualifying activities by March 31 will receive their badge by the first week in April, and those who've completed their qualifying activities by September 30 will receive their badges the first week in October.

Meet our 2019 Ambassador of the Year

Corie Hess – Indiana

Corie Hess – Indiana

Congratulations to Corie Hess, our 2019 Ambassador of the year.

Corie is incredibly honored to have been selected as the 2020 Mom Ambassador of the Year! It was last year around this time when she learned about 2020 Mom as she searched the internet desperately trying to make some meaning after experiencing her third pregnancy loss and nearly losing her own life in the process. Shortly after her near miss, she learned that her home state of Indiana has the third-highest rate of maternal mortality in the nation. She also came to realize just how difficult it was in her community to access quality perinatal mental health care. As a Graduate student in the field of Counseling Psychology, she was well informed and had access to numerous resources; yet, she really struggled to find help. She was thrilled to discover the Ambassador program through 2020 Mom as she felt this was a way she could make a difference.

2020 Mom Ambassador of the Year

Take a look at her outstanding Ambassador acomplishments:

  • Mason Jars for Moms – Raised $250

  • Hosted Forum webcast at Ball State – 20 attendees

  • Attended Mom Congress

  • Organizing a Community Coalition: Muncie & Delaware County Maternal Mental Health Collaborative

View our past badge-earning Ambassadors and Ambassadors of the Year here.

Engage in Advocacy

Mom Congress 2020 Member

Become a Member of Mom Congress
Join as an Individual Member, and receive one Ambassador activity credit.

City, County or State MMH Month Proclamations

1. Find your local or state elected officials:

  • For a village/city proclamation, determine who is your Selectman, Alderman, County Commissioner or City Councilor. This can be done by visiting your city or town’s website or contacting the city or town clerk's office and telling them where you live and asking who represents you. Ask the clerk for the best way to contact your elected official. Some elected official's websites will have a link specifically to request proclamations.

  • For a state proclamation, visit your state’s website or contact the governor's office and ask who should be contacted to request a state proclamation.

2. Download the template and edit all the RED text areas in both the cover letter AND the 2nd page with proclamation wording with the information appropriate for your local official & area. 

  • You can find the number of births in past years from your state, city or county vital records. Check your local/state department of public health and look for birth statistics, and use the latest stats you can find.

  • Make sure that you change all the text back to black after you have edited it.

3. Send the proclamation request to your elected official(s) via email or US Postal Mail.

4. If there is an opportunity for you to go to your local public official's meeting to obtain the proclamation and you are comfortable doing so, please do and make sure someone can get a photo of you with your local community leader who confirmed the proclamation, you may be offered a chance to speak briefly at that meeting. Please let us know if this is the case and we are happy guide you through this. 

Thank your elected official(s) & community for their part in advocating for Maternal Mental Health! 

5.  Take a picture of the official proclamation and email it to along with the name of your elected official(s) who helped get it named so we can acknowledge.

Have a Legislative Meeting

Meet with your state or federal elected official to tell your story and share whether your community is doing enough to address maternal mental health.

Don't worry, we connect you with other Ambassadors and provide support.

Ambassador webinar: Advocacy

Host a Gathering

Host a Screening of a maternal mental health documentary.
Invite at least 3 friends, family members, co-workers or neighbors over to watch a documentary and have a conversation about maternal mental health.

Return to Zero Film Pregnancy & Infant Loss

Return to Zero: A true story of love, loss, and hope
October is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month. Consider having a community screening of the Return to Zero film. It's a great way to build a community of both bereaved parents and health providers. 

If you are interested and need images for a poster or any ideas/support, please email

When the Bough Breaks: A Documentary about Postpartum Depression (Available on NetFlix & iTunes)

The Dark Side of the Full Moon
Lead a discussion with a maternal mental health expert and share 2020 Mom's pathway to change.  
- Though there are several documentaries on maternal mental health disorders, the only documentary currently available to the U.S. public via purchase or "Tugg" screening is The Dark Side of the Full Moon. Learn more about showing the film here:

Some suggested starter questions: 

  • What did you feel?

  • What did you learn?

  • What surprised you the most?

  • What resonated with you most?

  • Could this have been someone you know and do you think you would you have been able to tell if they were suffering? Why or why not?

Host a Webcast

Host a webcast of 2020 Mom's annual forum in February with at least one local agency/non-profit.



Create a birthday fundraiser on Facebook

Earn $150 or more to and receive credit for 1 Ambassador activity. A Facebook fundraiser can be set up for your birthday or at any time. Facebook instructions are available here.

Download a cover image.

Host a Fundraiser of Your Choice

Earn $300 or more for 2020 Mom. You can raise money anyway you see fit. The simplest way is to join a ColorWalk walking team in your community (even if you can't walk), or the main annual walk in Los Angeles, and send out e-mails to your family and friends telling them why you believe in 2020 Mom and would love their support of this important organization.

Here are some more ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

  • Consider a documentary viewing at your home, with cocktails for our cause.

  • Partner with a local restaurant to host brews and a local reproductive psychiatrist and legislator to speak about women's health.

TheBlueDot Virtual Run/Walk

TheBlueDot Virtual Run/Walk

Participants choose their own course, start time, to run or walk, and who walks next to them! It’s easy to set up your run/walk fundraising page and invite friends and family to support your walk. LEARN MORE HERE.

Share Your Story

If you struggled with an MMH disorder and would like to share a #MyMMHStory in our database (a.k.a. story bank) please do so here.

Share your story

Donate Your DNA

Donate your DNA through MomGenes to Fight MMH Disorders Mom Genes analyzes DNA from women who suffered from maternal depression or psychosis to find a genetic connection and lead to additional cures. The goal of MomGenes Fight PPD is to rally 100,000 women who have suffered to donate their DNA via a simple at-home saliva collection kit.

Out in the Community

Hang Posters

Grab some girlfriends and spend 2-3 hours hanging posters like this one and/or distributing awareness materials in your community. Check out the available materials HERE.

Hold a Diaper Drive

Organize a diaper drive to raise awareness about the link between a diaper need and postpartum depression. You choose the non-profit in your community to donate to. LEARN MORE HERE.

Diaper Drive Webinar


Speaking Ambassador

Speak about MMH in your community or even at state or national levels on the range of disorders, prevalence, barriers to care and the 2020 Mom pathway forward.  To be eligible you must have received at least 6 hours of certificate based training in maternal mental health, use a powerpoint deck provided by or approved by 2020 Mom and have presented to a 2020 Mom team and adopted feedback provided into your presentation. Email to learn more. This activity counts as two 2020 Mom Ambassador Projects.

Local Initiatives & Partnerships

Engage your Hospital to Inspire Change

  • Engage your hospital staff to inspire change.  Start by asking for a short meeting with the Labor and Delivery manager to inform her of free training and resources available to her and her staff.   

  • See attached hospital engagement overview for more information.

Host a Stakeholder Meeting

Join with at least one local agency to hold a multiple stakeholder meeting, presenting an overview of MMH  (if you are a Speaking Ambassador) or have a clinician trained in MMH present the overview.   Work with your community to create 2-3 evidenced based action steps by using tools created by 2020 Mom, including a template invitation, powerpoint and more. Email to learn more.  This activity counts as two 2020 Mom Ambassador Projects.

MMH Passion Project


Do it your way! Make it personal.

Have a way to make a difference in MMH in your community?
Contact to talk about your idea and how it may work with our Ambassador program.

Once you take the pledge you will be added to the Ambassador Facebook page, and be invited to attend optional Ambassador check in calls and webinars.

Thank you for helping to move mountains one important activity at a time.