A Cool Little School

The campuses, offices and programs of the five Napa County School Districts and the Napa County Office of Education are closed through the end of the school year. Remote learning information is being distributed to students.

Los campus, oficinas y programas de los cinco Distritos Escolares del Valle de Napa y de la Oficina de Educación del Condado de Napa están cerrados hasta el final del curso escolar. Se está distribuyendo información sobre aprendizaje remoto a los estudiantes.

Starting April 21st, the Napa County Office of Education (NCOE) will be providing free supper meals on Tuesdays and Fridays from 11 AM – 12 PM at 2121 Imola Ave., Napa. When you arrive at NCOE you will be asked to confirm how many children under 18 are in your family.  You will receive 3 meals per child on Tuesday and 2 meals per child on Friday.  In order to keep safe physical distance, we ask you open the trunk from inside your car for the staff to place your food.

  • Meals are available for any child 18 years or under
  • Children do not need to be present to pick up meals
  • No paperwork is required to receive meals
  • The Napa County Shelter at Home order does not apply if you are getting food

Safety First 

In order to maintain the health and safety of all team members and visitors during meal distribution, please help us by doing the following:

  • For your safety, please do not arrive before 11:00 a.m.
  • Please do not get out of your car as we are committed to practicing social distancing.
  • Meals are for pick up only. Please exit the site immediately after picking up your meals. Meals may not be consumed onsite.
  • It is recommended that you wear protective face covering for your safety and the safety of others.
  • Do not visit if you or anyone in your household has had contact with anyone who has tested positive for (or is being monitored for) COVID-19 in the last 14 days or had any symptoms of respiratory illness (fever greater than 100 degrees F, difficulty breathing, cough) in the last 14 days.

A partir del 21 de abril, la Oficina de Educación del Condado de Napa (NCOE) ofrecerá comidas gratis los martes y viernes entre 11 AM-12 PM en 2121 Imola Ave., Napa. Cuando lleguen a NCOE, se les pedirá que confirmen cuántos niños menores de 18 años hay en su familia.  Recibirán tres comidas por niño/a el martes y 2 comidas por niño/a el viernes.  Para mantener la distancia física de seguridad, les pedimos que abran el maletero desde dentro de su carro para que el personal ponga su comida.

  • Las comidas están disponibles para cualquier niño/a de 18 años o menos.
  • Los niños no tienen que estar presentes para recoger las comidas
  • No se requiere documentación para recibir las comidas
  • La orden de Confinamiento en Casa del Condado de Napa no se aplica si van a buscar comida.

La seguridad es lo primero 

Para mantener la salud y la seguridad de todos los miembros del equipo y de las visitas durante la distribución de comidas, por favor, ayúdennos haciendo lo siguiente:

  •  Por su seguridad, por favor, no lleguen antes de las 11:00 a.m. 
  • Por favor, no salgan de su carro, dado que respetamos el distanciamiento social.
  • Las comidas son solo para recoger. Por favor, salgan inmediatamente después de recoger sus comidas. Las comidas no se pueden consumir in situ. 
  • Se recomienda que lleven mascarillas de protección por su seguridad y la seguridad de los demás.
  • No acudan si usted o si alguien en su domicilio ha tenido contacto con cualquier persona que haya dado positivo (o que esté siendo controlado/a) en COVID-19 durante los últimos 14 días, o si ha tenido cualquier síntoma de enfermedad respiratoria (fiebre mayor que 100º F, dificultad para respirar, tos) en los últimos 14 días.

Camille Creek Community School serves students, grades 6 – 12, who have been expelled or referred for issues of truancy and/or behavior from the county’s comprehensive middle and high schools. The high school program is WASC accredited. Our mission is to empower our county’s most disenfranchised youth toward a productive future through restorative relationships, targeted instruction and inspiring opportunities for growth.

Napa County Office of Education also provides educational instruction towards a high school diploma, and enrichment opportunities, for incarcerated youth through the Crossroads School at the Napa County Juvenile Hall.

Camille Creek:

  • Enrolls 120-150 students at any given time
  • Serves students in grades 6 -12
  • Class sizes are capped at 21 students
  • School hours are 9:00 am to 1:50 pm
  • The After School program is offered from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
  • Independent Study program offered to select students

The Juvenile Court and Community School programs serve the educational needs of students who are under the protection or authority of the juvenile court or those who are referred from school districts due to truancy, behavioral issues or expulsion.

Our mission is to empower our county’s most disenfranchised youth toward a productive future through restorative relationships, targeted instruction, and inspiring opportunities for growth.

Our objective is to help our students gain the social and academic skills they will need for employment or further education and the interpersonal skills they will need to maintain positive and meaningful relationships.

Our goals are to provide:

2 High School Boys with Fish

  • Highly engaging academic program through an innovative blend of classroom instruction, online, and hands on learning
  • A focus on social and emotional learning in a loving environment
  • College and career preparation through self-reflection and real-world experience
  • Coordinated mental health services with universal screening
  • Assisting students in accessing their innate source of creativity through arts education
  • Provide opportunities for students to engage in supervised prosocial activities during and after school

Our foundational tenets are:

By creating an environment of unconditional love and respect for students who have encountered grave challenges, we empower them to believe in their own ability to succeed. Only when they believe in themselves, will they aspire to live healthy and productive lives. It is then that our students become open to the school experience.

When teachers create experiences of personally meaningful, engaging, creative, and stimulating work, students gain a sense of mastery that fosters positive academic mindsets.

Staff must model the social and emotional skills we wish our students to learn. Staff must understand that we “teach who we are” and hold ourselves and each other accountable to the highest interpersonal standards.

Students gain confidence through connections with the larger community through supported workplace opportunities.  When our students gain confidence in the workplace, they begin the journey toward independence and productive citizenship.

Camille Creek Community School uses the Nixle text alert system. When you provide Camille Creek with your cell phone number and/or email address alerts will be sent directly to you. We will contact you through text, email and voice messages.

Camille Creek uses Nixle to share information such as parent meetings, important due dates and critical information such as school closing due to an incident such as an earthquake.

To receive Camille Creek alerts simply approve Nixle Updates on your student’s Emergency Contact Sheet.

High School Students on Alcatraz Tour Boat

Google Calendar Accessibility Details (external website, new window). Choose Google Calendar from the table of contents. If this calendar is not accessible to you, please contact Rebecka Anderson.

Sora High School OverDrive

Overdrive Sora Digital Book Resources for Camille Creek Students

Middle School (external website, new window)

High School (external website, new window)

For additional support visit NVUSD Library Services. (external website, new window)

Visit NCOE’s Free Resources page for additional digital tools.

All links to PDFs open in a new window.

Legal Protection Information

School Accountability Report Cards

  • 2019 Napa County Community School SARC English  PDF | Spanish  PDF
  • 2019 Napa County Juvenile Hall/Court School SARC English  PDF | Spanish PDF
  • 2018 Napa County Community School SARC English  PDF | Spanish  PDF
  • 2018 Napa County Juvenile Hall/Court School SARC English  PDF | Spanish PDF

Camille Creek Students with Holiday Signs

Other Resources

  • Expulsion Plan 2015-2018 PDF

Main Office Info.





Napa County Office of Education (main)
2121 Imola Avenue
Napa, CA 94559

Program Locations

Napa County Office of Education
2121 Imola Avenue
Napa, CA  94559

Research & Professional Development Center
1450 Technology Lane, Suite 200
Petaluma, CA  94954

Napa Infant Program
1511 Myrtle Avenue
Napa, CA  94558

Napa Preschool Program
74 Wintun Court
Napa, CA 94559