In Zambia, 84% of births are delivered in a health facility.
2018 Zambia DHS »
In Papua New Guinea, 31% of married women are currently using a modern method of family planning.
2016-18 Papua New Guinea DHS »
The 2018 Nigeria DHS is the first survey to collect data on sickle cell disease. Overall, 1.3% of Nigerian children age 6-59 months have sickle cell disease.
2018 Nigeria DHS »
9% of children age 0-59 months in Uganda tested positive for malaria by microscopy.
2018-19 Uganda MIS »
Women in Sierra Leone have an average of 4.2 children.
2019 Sierra Leone DHS Key Indicators Report »
The 2018-19 Afghanistan SPA collected data from 142 public and private health facilities in urban areas of seven major provinces (Kabul, Nangarhar, Paktya, Kunduz, Balkh, Kandahar, and Herat).
2018-19 Afghanistan SPA »
In Liberia, 65% of children age 12-23 months have received all basic vaccinations.
2019-20 Liberia DHS Key Indicators Report »

The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program has collected, analyzed, and disseminated accurate and representative data on population, health, HIV, and nutrition through more than 400 surveys in over 90 countries.



Uganda: MIS, 2018-19 - MIS Final Report (English)
Trends in Internal Migration and Women's Empowerment in Pakistan, 2012-2018 (English)
Bangladesh: SPA, 2017 - Final Report (English)



COVID-19 Response: DHS Program Fieldwork Activities on Hold
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, The DHS Program, USAID, and our partnering host-country governments have paused in-person trainings, pre-tests, and data collection activities.
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New COVID19 Tags in STATcompiler
STATcompiler has been updated to include new indicators to help contextualize the COVID-19 crisis in DHS countries, and two “COVID-19” tags have been added to help users identify these indicators. Explore data on handwashing, sanitation, household size, sleeping arrangements, access to media, spousal violence, and more. Other relevant DHS indicators on household age structure, access to internet and cell phones, and tobacco use will be added in the coming weeks.
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Where Washing Hands and Isolating Aren't Options: Story Map of COVID-19 Prevention Indicators
DHS data on households with basic handwashing facilities and number of people per sleeping room reveal how subnational inequalities may hinder COVID-19 mitigation in lower- and middle-income countries.
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Recent Blog

Service Provision Assessments Shed Light on Health Facility Readiness to Control COVID-19

Are facilities prepared to face infectious disease pandemics like COVID-19? A new fact sheet explores infection control and readiness i...

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Recent Video

The Uganda Ministry of Health’s National Malaria Control Division (NMCD) and the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) hosted a virtual di...

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