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  1. تغريدة مُثبَّتة
    قبل ١٩ ساعة

    Women living with face many challenges and disparities when it comes to diagnosis and treatment. Bias—on the part of medical providers and the system—often is one of the least acknowledged obstacles. Read more from :

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  2. قبل ٤١ دقيقة

    Sign up for this important webinar where our sr. advisor will be speaking.

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  3. قبل ٤٩ دقيقة

    "Health is not just determined on what you look like on the outside."

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  4. قبل ساعتين

    It turns out that we don't need douches or jade eggs or even soap: our vaginas are self-cleaning — like ovens.

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  5. قبل ٣ ساعات

    pandemic has forced sudden major changes to the nation's system that are unlikely to be reversed.

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  6. قبل ١٤ ساعة

    The tally includes doctors, nurses, and paramedics, as well as crucial health care support staff who have put their own lives at risk during the pandemic to help care for others.

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  7. قبل ٢٢ ساعة

    Four therapists to explain what morning is, what causes it, and most important, what you can do to cope.

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  8. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٩ يونيو
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  9. ٩ يونيو

    Many people are unaware of the negative impact of worry and rumination directly on the brain.

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  10. ٩ يونيو

    Why some children are more susceptible than others? Experts are still racing to answer questions about the illness.

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  11. ٩ يونيو

    Remote regions with crowded households have turned deadlier during the than some of the densest city blocks.

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  12. ٩ يونيو

    Here are tips for improving social interaction while wearing a face covering.

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  13. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٨ يونيو
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  14. ٨ يونيو

    We're dealing with a lot of uncertainty right now, which causes anxiety. Here are some ways the pros cope.

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  15. ٨ يونيو

    "In the media, we talk about black women being 80% overweight or obese but we don’t talk about the underlying causes but we know the role of stress and racially-mediated stress plays," said of during our webinar last week.

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  16. ٨ يونيو

    There’s nothing better for your state of mind than losing yourself among the pots and plants

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  17. ٨ يونيو

    As crowds protest across the US, more than 1,000 medical experts raise fears police tactics could worsen the pandemic

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  18. ٨ يونيو

    The CDC warns that some people may be putting off getting emergency care for serious health conditions during the coronavirus .

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  19. ٨ يونيو

    Here's how to beat back work-from-home stress.

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  20. ٧ يونيو

    It's always a good idea to check your medicine cabinet stock.

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