Public Health EnglandCompte certifié


Official feed of Public Health England (PHE) providing regular news updates on the work of the organisation.

United Kingdom
Inscrit en mai 2009


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  1. Tweet épinglé
    2 juin

    We’ve published a review of disparities in risks and outcomes of . The review looks at factors including age, sex, geography and ethnicity, and will help to inform the government’s future response to the pandemic. Read it here:

  2. il y a 16 heures

    NEW BLOG: Coronavirus () - What does a contact tracer do? In our latest blog, Trish Mannes, senior epidemiologist and Deputy Director for Health Protection at PHE, gives a personal account of what contact tracing involves.

  3. il y a 17 heures

    We’ve published our weekly surveillance report and accompanying infographic. Read it here:

  4. a retweeté

    Protect your family and friends against coronavirus If you have tested positive for coronavirus, share your recent close contacts with the Test and Trace service More info ⬇️

  5. il y a 21 heures

    This , we're highlighting breastfeeding support and advice available to parents. have lots of useful advice for feeding premature babies:

  6. a retweeté
    3 juin

    As we get the virus under control, we must reduce the risk of a deadly second wave of . From Monday, people arriving here must self-isolate for 14 days. Travel details and contact information must be provided. There will be spot checks and fines for non-compliance.

  7. 3 juin

    Good sleep is really important for physical and mental wellbeing. We’ve worked with to identify some simple tips for better sleep. Find out more:

  8. a retweeté
    3 juin

    If you have any of these symptoms: ▶️ high temperature ▶️ new, continuous cough ▶️ loss/change in taste or smell You should book a test now ⬇️

  9. 3 juin

    Eating a wide range of fresh healthy foods and taking a daily 10mcg vitamin D supplement is important for supporting breastfeeding. Find out more:

  10. 3 juin

    Hand washing still plays a key role in protecting yourself and others from . ▪️ Wash your hands more often ▪️ Use soap and water for 20 seconds ▪️ Or use hand sanitiser Tips on hand washing technique here:

  11. 2 juin

    Have you seen our new blog post? Find out about the important roles of local communities during the pandemic. Read it here:

  12. 2 juin

    Tracking the daily death count is vital to understand . We're now able to include swab testing for the wider population in our daily deaths reporting. Our Technical Summary explains how this data gives us a fuller picture of deaths in England:

  13. a retweeté
    2 juin

    Washing your hands more often remains vitally important to prevent the spread of . If you have been outside, wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser before touching your face or any surfaces

  14. 2 juin

    This week is and we're highlighting the support and information available to parents about breastfeeding during . Find out more:

  15. 1 juin

    NEW BLOG: The community response to coronavirus (COVID-19). Read our latest blog post to learn about the essential roles communities have played in tackling the pandemic.

  16. a retweeté
    1 juin

    If you're contacted by the NHS Test and Trace service, you will not be asked to provide any passwords, bank account details or pin numbers. They will also never visit your home. Find out more about how NHS test and trace works: ➡️

  17. 1 juin

    It's and this year we're focusing on the support available during . Continuing to breastfeed is advised - click the link for the latest information on and breastfeeding:

    Image of baby breastfeeding.
  18. 1 juin

    Hand washing still plays a key role in protecting yourself and others from . ▪️ Wash your hands more often ▪️ Use soap and water for 20 seconds ▪️ Or use hand sanitiser Tips on hand washing technique here:

  19. a retweeté
    1 juin

    Despite the warm weather, it is crucial that we all continue to follow social distancing measures ☀️ To help reduce the spread of , make sure to: ✅Limit contact with people ✅Stay 2 metres apart in public ✅Wash your hands regularly |

  20. a retweeté
    31 mai

    The NHS Test and Trace service processes thousands of tests a day. Labs across the country analyse these tests to confirm positive cases. More info: John works in one of the labs testing samples. Here he explains more ⬇️


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