Dave PrentisAkaun disahkan


General Secretary of UNISON, the UK's biggest union. Member queries to Media queries to UNISON press office

Menyertai Januari 2010


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  1. 22 jam lalu

    Today I advised UNISON’s President that I will retire on December 31st. It has been the honour and privilege of my life to represent incredible public service workers. I will continue to lead this union until the end of the year - we have a lot of work to do

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  2. 13 Jul

    Great to join our UNISON direct team early this morning as the return to their office.They have kept our service going for the last 10 weeks - working from home. Its great to have them back!

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  3. Mengetweet Semula
    11 Jul

    The was due to take place today. Help ensure this great celebration of solidarity, community and working class culture returns bigger and better in 2021 for its 150th anniversary. Join the Marras here:

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  4. Mengetweet Semula
    9 Jul

    Today 's general secretary wrote to the Government to highlight our concern at the arrest of 13 members of the Zimbabwe Nurses Association who were calling for and fair pay. Take action at

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  5. 8 Jul

    Covid-19 has shown how much we all need public services. Funding them properly can both help the economy and bring back the support and security to every community that’s long been missing

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  6. 8 Jul

    With extra funds, national and local public services could provide many more jobs. A much-deserved early pay rise for health workers and council staff would mean money in their pockets to be spent on local high streets

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  7. 8 Jul

    Proper investment in our public services would help speed the country back to recovery and more prosperous, certain times. It would heal over the deep cracks in care and the NHS exposed by the pandemic

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  8. 8 Jul

    The Chancellor has firmly closed the door on the damaging austerity of the past decade. But while there’s much for young people, the energy sector and UK businesses to celebrate, there’s little for public services and workers who’ve kept the country going

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  9. 8 Jul

    The Prime Ministers comments on care workers were an absolute disgrace. He must apologise

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  10. Mengetweet Semula
    8 Jul

    Absolutely correct asks the PM to apologise for his disgraceful remarks about our care workers but the PM doesn’t apologise instead he waffles on with his response, cheered on by his sycophantic MPs, just say sorry it’s not difficult

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  11. 7 Jul

    Boris Johnson blaming incredible social care workers for his own government’s failings is despicable. These workers had to work with little or no protective kit and without testing. Many lacked full sick pay. All the result of decisions taken by his government. Shame on him

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  12. 6 Jul

    Solidarity with UNISON members taking strike action today in Tower Hamlets. It’s outrageous that you’re having new contracts imposed on you in the middle of a global crisis. Local government workers deserve better than this, and UNISON stands with you

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  13. 5 Jul

    Now more than ever, we celebrate incredible health workers - they are our NHS, it couldn’t exist without them. Thank you to every single NHS worker. I’m proud you’re in our union - and we will continue to fight for the pay, conditions and respect you deserve

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  14. Mengetweet Semula
    5 Jul

    Join the UNISON family and some great musical (and not so musical) guests from 2pm today to celebrate 72 years of the NHS 🌈 We'll be joining in the applause for key workers at 5pm - and pledging to build better for the future!

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  15. 5 Jul

    Happy Birthday to our remarkable, incredible NHS - 72 years old today. This year, perhaps more than any other, it's vital that we celebrate the incredible NHS workers who make our Health Service the envy of the world

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  16. Mengetweet Semula
    4 Jul

    Stop the illegal annexation of the occupied West Bank

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  17. 4 Jul

    This weekend we celebrate 72 years of our incredible NHS and everyone who works in it. Don't forget to share your gratitude tomorrow

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  18. 3 Jul

    Great to see Keir Starmer backing calls for NHS pay talks to begin. UNISON wants to see proper pay for NHS workers, and the government need to act on this now

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  19. Mengetweet Semula
    3 Jul

    Show your appreciation and thoughts for NHS and key workers this Sunday at 5pm as we celebrate 72 years of the NHS 👏 But from today, let's also fight for a better NHS, for better public services Message from UNISON general secretary 👇

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  20. 3 Jul

    NHS workers have worked tirelessly for all of us - now it's time for the government to sit down with them, commit to moving NHS pay forwards, and follow words of praise with meaningful action - and funding

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