
Starter for twenty

It's our 20-day model to bring quick, experienced thinking to elevate and empower your product and business.

Our experience shows that attempting to create a future roadmap at the outset is a false start for an experience-based project. It requires a deeper understanding of the journey, the customers and your business objectives.

There are three big reasons why taking part in a Starter for Twenty is right for your project:

We love what we do, and what we do is marry behavioural psychology with digital strategy into our design process. This means we nudge every project beyond the ordinary.

Step one

We research. During this phase, we work with you to familiarise ourselves with your desired outcomes, identify the target audience and explore the most effective methods to achieve your business requirements.

Research provides the inspiration, guidance, and validation we need to design great products.

By digging into your business we uncover effective methods, and get to understand what it is that your customers come to you for.  It's at this point we can identify what stops people from performing the behaviours that your business seeks.

Step Two

We set the stage. This is where we lay the groundwork and map out behaviours and flows to expose how we can turn pain points in the current journey into trigger points that lead to behaviour change.

We also work closely with your team, internal and external, in designing the product. We work with you, presenting back early and often.

Step Three

We prototype. We're all designers and making something tangible is our passion.

Experience has taught us that it's better to craft something early and fail fast. Prototyping gives us a platform to validate our thinking and test with users.

A prototype can take many forms. It can be a sketch, clickable designs in InVision, even a working code in the browser.

It's A human approach

We have a clear picture of the human behaviours that influence and impact your business, thanks to our specialist knowledge in behavioural economics. This allows us to move rapidly to produce and test with your customers.

We dive deep into researching existing or future markets, competitors, audiences, user behaviour, and even specific points of interaction to discover exactly what it is that makes customers tick.

By the end of a Starter for Twenty we'll have progressed into your project with you, while moving towards a solution for your business.

Get in touch

Book your starter for twenty

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