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Boarding the WordCamp Lyon

Published on June 8th, 2015 by Mathieu Viet

The first WordCamp Lyon took place last Friday, June 5th, on a large houseboat called “The Platform”. I do not know if any WordCamp has ever been held on a houseboat before. But if there is none in the history of WordCamps, then #wplyon (the even’ts official hashtag) was the first ever floating WordCamp! For […]

BuddyPress at WordCamp Europe 2015

Published on May 24th, 2015 by Paul Gibbs

It’s almost a month to WordCamp Europe, and we can’t wait! The conference, which is rapidly becoming one of Europe’s largest WordCamps, always attracting an intelligent and diverse audience of WordPressers. At time of writing, tickets are still on sale, but if you haven’t got yours yet, move quickly! The BuddyPress team find any WordCamp […]

BuddyPress at WordCamp London

Published on March 16th, 2015 by Paul Gibbs

The BuddyPress team and many of our contributors regularly attend WordCamps around the world. If you’re unfamiliar with WordCamps, they are affordable WordPress conferences organised by volunteers who are passionate about WordPress and the WordPress community. Contributor Days often accompany WordCamps, and they are a chance for you to learn how to contribute back to […]

BuddyPress at WordCamp New York

Published on October 29th, 2009 by Andy Peatling

This year at WordCamp New York there will be a whole track dedicated to WordPress MU and BuddyPress. Some of the topics being presented are: Getting off the Farm:WPMU Beyond Blog Hosting. We all know that WPMU can be used to host multiple blogs for public or internal signups. But what else can you do? […]

“Cooking With BuddyPress” Video Presentation

Published on July 2nd, 2009 by Andy Peatling

This year at WordCamp San Francisco I gave a presentation on BuddyPress entitled “Cooking WIth BuddyPress”. The idea was to answer three questions: What is BuddyPress? Why should I use BuddyPress? How do I skin and extend BuddyPress? The presentation was aimed at both non-technical and technical people and should provide you with a better […]

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