PA Policy

Regular Session 2017-2018
Senate Bill 74

Short Title:
An Act requiring information relating to parenting and prenatal depression, postpartum depression, postpartum psychosis and other emotional trauma counseling and screening to be provided to a pregnant woman; and providing for the powers and duties of the Department of Health.
Senate Bill 74 - Pdf of text
Pennsylvania General Assembly Bill Information 

Regular Session of 2015-2016
Senate Bill 1269

Short Title:
Adds postpartum depression as a qualifying condition to allow infants for assessments, tracking, and if needed, early intervention services. Examples of other at risk categories currently in law include children whose birth weight is under 1,500 grams; children cared for in neonatal intensive care units of hospitals; children who are homeless; children born to chemically dependent mothers who are referred by a physician, health care provider or parent; children who are seriously abused or neglected; and children with confirmed dangerous levels of lead poisoning.
State Bill 1269 - Pdf of text
Pennsylvania General Assembly Bill Information