Achieve your priorities

Legal and compliance leaders

In a world of disruptive business, technology and regulatory changes, legal and compliance departments must deliver more and faster guidance to help the business execute on its growth priorities. We provide leaders like you with research insights, advice, tools and data to deliver on your mission-critical priorities and keep up with the accelerating pace of business today.


Make Legal Digital-Ready

What your lawyers do before a digital project matters even more than what they do while on it. 

Legal departments that are “digital-ready” — properly prepared and positioned to support digital initiatives — can increase on-time digital project delivery by 63% and increase appropriate legal and compliance risk taking by 46%. 

Harness unique expertise

Successfully delivering on your top priorities means making the right decisions in a complex and uncertain business environment. Drive your business forward by taking advantage of strategic advice, trusted insights and practical tools.

Strategic advice

Sometimes information alone isn’t enough. Our global team of more than 2,000 analysts, researchers and advisors equips you with the guidance you need to identify, evaluate and implement your legal and compliance initiatives with accuracy and confidence.

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Peer-powered insights

Don’t leave your success to chance. Rely on proven solutions based on the successful approaches of hundreds of legal departments. Our best-practice research, tools and frameworks help you save time and reduce uncertainty in the execution of your critical initiatives.

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Robust metrics and data

The right choices are those that are best informed. Prioritize your resources and solve problems effectively by basing your decisions on robust data and analytics, in addition to a range of unique performance benchmarks and functional diagnostics.

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Gartner is a trusted advisor and an objective resource for more than 15,000 enterprises in 100+ countries.

Learn more about how we can help you achieve your mission-critical priorities.