
Questioning the Appropriate use of Digital Identity

May 27, 2020

The COVID-19 crisis highlights risks of inadequate governance and technological guardrails



Why We Invested in Good ID Advocacy Efforts Led by Civil Society and Grassroots Organizations in East Africa

May 21, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated efforts by governments around the world to digitize public services and public health responses. Thea and Franklyn share insights on how Omidyar Network continues to invest in organizations who support their people at the grassroots.


New analysis offers roadmap to limit Google’s anticompetitive behavior in digital advertising

May 15, 2020

Today, we unveiled the first in a series of policy papers containing detailed evidence and roadmaps for potential antitrust cases against several tech giants. The “Roadmap for a Digital Advertising Monopolization Case Against Google”, is the result of a collaboration between several antitrust experts who have been working in tandem to study competition issues in the digital marketplace and research the specific harms caused by tech giants.


Here’s What an Antitrust Case Against Google Might Look Like

Article June 2, 2020

Wired covers Omidyar Network's antitrust paper release and the Big Tech antitrust movement. 


Former Obama Antitrust Official Lays Out Possible Case Against Google

Article June 2, 2020

David Dinelli co-wrote an anti-trust paper advocating for stronger antitrust enforcement to curb the power of domnant tech platforms. 


Omidyar Network Announces Initial Grants from COVID-19 Economic Response Advocacy Fund

Announcement May 27, 2020

­FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 27, 2020 CONTACT: [email protected] 


Roadmap for a Digital Advertising Monopolization Case Against Google

Research Report May 17, 2020

Today, we unveiled a groundbreaking roadmap for a possible monopolization case against Google based on the dominant position it built and maintained over critical elements of the digital advertising market.


Unchecked Power: The Root of Big Tech Issues

Perspective February 7, 2020

Omidyar Network shares its perspective on holding big tech accountable for its role in fueling inequality and enabling harmful practices.


Not Just a Job: New Evidence on the Quality of Work in the United States

Research Report October 23, 2019

Omidyar Network partnered with Gallup, Lumina Foundation, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to create the first-ever Great Jobs Survey, a comprehensive measure of job quality in the US.