Supply Chain Quality Management

Increase your overall supply chain risk readiness during disruptions

Increase business agility, manage cost of quality and develop business strategists

While some focus only on short-term mitigation tactics, top performers defy conventional thinking. They keep the focus on long-term strategy and execute preconceived plans when anticipated disruptions occur. Quality leaders need to be able to quickly certify new suppliers in the market without exposing the organization to risks. Leaders must focus on these key areas:

  • Strategy — Focus on Business Agility
  • Cost — Manage Cost of Quality Talent
  • Talent — Develop Business Strategists Who Solve Problems

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    Nearly two-thirds of quality leaders believe the quality function will change by at least 50% or more. This will come with an expanded scope of work. Despite that expanded scope, they anticipate the size of the function will not change and they will not get additional resources. They need to optimize what they already have and also prepare themselves to take on new responsibilities.

    Ankur Mehta

    Director, Advisory, Gartner

    Executing a future-focused supply chain quality management strategy

    Many supply chain quality leaders are stuck reacting to the changes around them, and few have successfully adapted a more proactive quality approach. Supply chain leaders focused on quality find their processes are ill-equipped to support delivery in today’s business environment.

    Employees make 85% more mistakes, on average, in companies with weak cultures of quality than in those with strong cultures of quality.

    Supply chain quality management insights you can use

    To keep pace with customer demands for speed, cost and customization, supply chain quality leaders need to develop a robust quality system and strong quality culture across the organization. Gartner’s research and insights help you improve the design and execution of quality strategy and management to deliver business value.

    Ensure success in supply chain quality management system software selection

    Supply chain leaders responsible for quality management are shifting from disparate systems and custom-made approaches to software solutions that standardize processes, optimize data and ensure compliance. Gartner provides guidance for structuring a process for QMS software selection.

    Create a service mindset within your supply chain

    CEOs focus on driving growth and improving the customer experience. Supply chain leaders can support these goals by making customer service a business priority across the supply chain. Use this research to create a customer service mindset to improve service and enhance the customer experience.

    Measuring the effectiveness of your innovation efforts

    Measuring innovation is a thorny, perennial issue — but necessary. By measuring innovation on three levels — culture, process and outcomes — supply chain leaders gain insights into the impact of their efforts, and whether resources are wisely applied.

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    New to the supply chain role?

    Supply chain leaders must use a more flexible quality management approach across the entire product life cycle. Gartner has uncovered various insights you can leverage to establish yourself as an effective leader and guide you toward supply chain success.

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