
Zablokovali ste používateľa @BetteMidler

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  1. Pripnutý Tweet
    21. 6.

    Dear Donnie, Well, the reviews are in and you laid an egg in Tulsa! And man, you were sweating bullets up there. The optics were lousy, but the yawns were infectious! Even I was yawning. Try not to kill off your entire base. Another night like this and they'll die of boredom.

  2. pred 6 hodinami

    My pleasure to post the reveal of this heinous, horrible, hateful, hair-raising family.

  3. pred 6 hodinami

    As Mike Pence said earlier, "Let us pray."

  4. pred 7 hodinami

    Damn, girl, who did your work? Looks like the same guy who did Kellyanne.

  5. pred 7 hodinami

    We got screwed by the polls last election, it made all of us complacent; we were so sure our candidate would win. Behave as though is 30 points down. Look at the Electoral College, and which states are in play. Take nothing for granted. This guy has GOT to go.

  6. pred 8 hodinami

    40,000 new cases in the United States, and Mike Pence tells us to pray.

  7. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 16 hodinami
    V odpovedi používateľom a
  8. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 17 hodinami

    . U.S. Senators up for re-election, do you also want to get rid of the ACA during the greatest health crisis of our time? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  9. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 10 hodinami

    Thrilled that SDP candidate of Florida HD-103 received the endorsement of . Help us help Rep. Cindy Polo in her reelection bid to her swing district this year! Even a few bucks goes far at the state level. Donate:

  10. pred 10 hodinami

    What a joke. What "skills" does Ivanka have? Next thing, he'll be killing everyone who wears glasses.

  11. pred 12 hodinami

    Assholes. They don’t make ‘em any bigger!

  12. pred 13 hodinami

    The Government Accountability Office reports that over $1.4 billion in stimulus checks were sent to dead people. Did it work?

  13. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 16 hodinami
  14. pred 15 hodinami

    "At every turn Trump has made it clear that he is governing only for himself & the 0.1 per cent. If continues to be in cahoots w/ Trump, he’ll still get a lot of good free press, and can still play the race card, though the “law and order” card is not working for him."

  15. pred 17 hodinami

    Three months in lockdown.

  16. 26. 6.
  17. 26. 6.

    Some Chinese fliers in Russia had “deliberately concealed their illnesses, caused adverse effects and consequences, caused great harm to the health and safety of other passengers and crew members on the same flight, and undermined China’s domestic epidemic prevention work,” ?

  18. 26. 6.

    are required before passengers can board their flights. Hmm. So, tell me again, why is Delta resuming flights to and from China?? Nowhere in this doc does it say Delta is testing. Or China either.

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  19. 26. 6.

    "China warns its citizens to stop falsifying virus test results to board flights home from Russia. Chinese Embassy in Russia issued a statement in response to recent discoveries: Chinese travelers from Russia fabricated negative results for the nucleic acid tests that

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  20. 26. 6.

    A 24 year old real estate investor & motivational speaker beat a candidate Trump endorsed in NC’s congressional primary to fill a seat left open by Donnie’s chief of staff. He was born in 1996, back when Trump was bullying Miss USA winners about their weight!

  21. 26. 6.

    "On Wednesday, in a 2–1 decision, Judge Neomi Rao forced a district court to dismiss the prosecution of Michael Flynn. While gutting a vital check of executive misconduct, Rao whitewashed the Justice Department’s flagrantly political decision to drop charges against Flynn."


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