bettemidlerOvjeren akaunt


“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” Mark Twain

New York, NY
Vrijeme pridruživanja: svibanj 2010.


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  1. Prikvačeni tweet
    21. lip

    Dear Donnie, Well, the reviews are in and you laid an egg in Tulsa! And man, you were sweating bullets up there. The optics were lousy, but the yawns were infectious! Even I was yawning. Try not to kill off your entire base. Another night like this and they'll die of boredom.

  2. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 2 sata

    I'll keep this short. We're less than one hour away from our fundraising deadline and we're still short of our goal. I'm calling on my grassroots supporters one more time - if you want Devin Nunes out of office, chip-in NOW!

  3. Well, that’s Alabama all over! Absolutely dead last in education of 50 states. 4 million, under the shadow of retrograde politics. WAKE UP!!

  4. I am so wrong. Make that a D+. AND IT SHOWS.

  5. That means his average is about a C-. Ish?

  6. prije 2 sata

    It’s not the leadership. It’s the people.

  7. prije 3 sata
  8. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 3 sata
    Odgovor korisniku/ci

    DO YOU HAVE THE RIGHT I.D. TO VOTE IN YOUR STATE? CHECK YOUR I.D. BEFORE YOU HEAD TO THE POLLS at . If your I.D. will expire before Election Day, RENEW IT and GET YOUR ABSENTEE BALLOT today. RETWEET, and tell your family and friends. /

  9. prije 3 sata

    Congrats to on winning the Democratic nomination to beat . Only a few months to go. Hope you have some SERIOUS energy behind and in reserve for this fight, Amy! We are all behind you, even if we use a lot of four letter words.

  10. prije 5 sati

    Riveting. I mean it. When DO they pay? One of the biggest legal fights in the history of insurance is about to begin. Businesses want to claim for lost business during the lockdown. Insurers say no.

  11. prije 10 sati

    Honestly; Rand Paul can't face the music. At all. He wants sunshine, lollipops and roses. This ain't no rose garden, Senator, and you were never promised one. Go home.

  12. prije 13 sati

    The great has gone to that Show of Shows in the sky. I worked with him, loved him, and consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world to have once attended lunch with his hilarious, guarrulous gang...

  13. prije 14 sati

    NO MORE EIFFEL TOWER FOR YOU!! E.U. Formalizes Reopening, Barring Travelers From U.S.

  14. 30. lip

    The 7 DUMBEST Trump Statements via How did I miss this?

  15. 30. lip

    Without governmental funding, the USPS is predicting they will be out of business before November 2020. Which ultimately means no mail-in ballots, which we all know will be a disaster. The time has come to make some noise! Are you listening, Mr. Mnuchin? How about some funding?

    Prikaži ovu nit
  16. 30. lip

    The postal service is in danger of closing - which is terrifying because not only are they one of the biggest employers of minorities and women, but they’re also the best way for us to have a free and fair election during a pandemic using mail-in voting.

    Prikaži ovu nit
  17. 30. lip

    Top thirteen things you should know about the U.S. Postal Service. LOVE! THE POST OFFICE. Don't let Trump demolish it; esp. those of you in rural areas. It's your lifeline! And they take no tax dollars!

  18. 30. lip

    TIME TO GO! Senators Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) Susan Collins (R-Maine) Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.) Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) Martha McSally (R-Ariz.)Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) Alexander,Roberts & Enzi claim they are retiring in 2020

  19. 29. lip

    It's the last quarter before Maine's HUGE Senate primary on July 14. Progressive candidates need all the help they can get. Right now, big money is flooding into Maine to drown out progressive voices. Help reach her fundraising goal today!

  20. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    29. lip

    Lost in the abortion ruling... said that Brett Kavanaugh would "follow precedent" when it came to abortion rights, but today JOHN ROBERTS followed precedent, explicitly so, and Kavanaugh DID NOT. Never forget that Susan Collins lied to you about Kavanaugh.

    Prikaži ovu nit
  21. 29. lip

    2008 Part 2: Supreme Court Lifts Limits on Trump’s Power to Fire Consumer Watchdog


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