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Page history last edited by Bal govind 11 months, 2 weeks ago

Currently available quizzes


Most of the questions above were written by Terence Tao (see discussions here and here, as well as the original Java applet for these quizzes, and this server-side conversion), but there may be errors resulting in the conversion from the original format to the wiki. (Please correct any errors you see!)   Note that some formulas look a bit strange when rendered by the PBwiki engine.


We would very much like to encourage the contribution of new quizzes.  To create a quiz:

  1. Select an empty template here.
  2. Add questions to the template.
  3. Add a your quiz to the list above.


If you want to add something else or correct something, feel free to do so!



  1. An administrator will rename your quiz later. You can also create a page with the correct name but only an administrator can add the JavaScript required to make interactive. (Keeping the JavaScript in the sidebar would be cleaner, but it turns out that it loads too slow that way, leaving the answers exposed a bit too long.)
  2. If the answers to a certain question should not be shuffled, edit the source (click on the "Source" button in the toolbar) and change <li>the question to <li class="noshuffle">the question. The answers are labeled A, B, C, ... even if a numeric label is used in the editor, assuming JavaScript is available.


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