24 July at 1:06

Everything You Need to Know About Storing Cannabis (Properly)

Whether you grow your own cannabis or pay top-dollar for top-shelf bud, it’s probably a question you’ve asked more than once: How long will my cannabis stay good in storage? Truth is, it’s relatively uncommon for the average stoner to end up with more high-quality cannabis than they can consume within a couple of weeks. [...]

7 April at 12:51

The Top 6 Places to Purchase Maeng Da Kratom

Despite the fact that kratom remains a somewhat controversial subject across much of the world, it’s nonetheless an exceptionally valuable and sought-after commodity. Now available in dozens of different forms and as the basis of thousands of creative products, kratom’s popularity is growing at record pace worldwide. Previously available in powder form only, kratom can [...]

29 December at 11:26

Diagnosing and Dealing with Overwatered Marijuana Plants

When getting started with cannabis cultivation, it can be difficult to balance hydration. In fact, even the most experienced home growers occasionally struggle to get things right. Of all the cannabis cultivation challenges you’re likely to encounter, none are more common than overwatering. It’s exactly the same with most house-plants in general. You know they [...]

6 September at 11:47

Guide to Growing Cannabis

  If you are interested in growing cannabis indoors, you must realize that it is entirely different from growing the plant outdoors. Indoor cannabis farming poses more challenges compared to outdoor farming. To grow healthy plants indoors, you must replicate the outdoor environment that the plants receive the right growing conditions are available. There is [...]

3 September at 10:27

Why CBD Might Not be Working For You

  Over the past few years, Cannabidiol (CBD) has become all the rage. Thanks to the vast amount of medicinal benefits created by the cannabinoid, people have been trying it in droves. For most people, they claim that it's a miracle drug. However, a small sub-sect of people claim that CBD does little to nothing [...]

18 December at 11:40

Quick Tips for Vaping Cannabis

From a more flavorful taste to a less obvious odor, vaping cannabis has a number of benefits over smoking it. Once you’ve made the choice to vape it, you still have a few other decisions to make. Choose between Dry Herbs or Cannabis Concentrates Your first choice is opting to vape dry herbs or concentrates. [...]

14 December at 10:36

The SCROG Method and SOG Method

One of the great things about cannabis – of which there are of course plenty – is the way in which it is technically so easy to grow. Provided with at least moderately stable conditions, even those with no experience or specialist equipment at all can produce semi-decent cannabis plants. At the same time, if [...]

8 December at 11:49

Everything You Need to Know About Cannabis Terpenes

You cannot consider yourself to be any kind of cannabis connoisseur, until you know exactly what’s going on behind the scenes. Ask any sample group of 100 cannabis users and chances are at least 90 of them will tell you that they know cannabis contains Terpenes. However, ask the same group of 100 cannabis users [...]

27 November at 12:36

Cannabis Fertilizer – Know What You Need

Cannabis will grow with good soil, water, and light. Taking your plants to the next level might require a bit of added science. Adding a good cannabis fertilizer can really help your plants grow large and healthily, adding fertilizer incorrectly however, can severely damage your crop. The ultimate goal will be providing enough nutrients to [...]

16 October at 1:06

A Guide to FECO (Full Extract Cannabis Oil)

As you probably know, cannabis oils are big business these days. Available all over the world and cooked up by thousands of different brands, they’ve become an everyday essential for millions. Of course, the fact that there are so many different types of cannabis oil doesn’t make choosing the right product any easier. Especially given [...]

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